Annual General Meeting Minutes
Held Wednesday 10th June 2009
6pm Robert Shaw Primary School
Anthony Kelly (Chairman)
Michael Thomas (Secretary), Christine Thomas (Treasurer), Lynn Shepherd, Chris Earley, Eve Earley, Jo Bride, Lyn Thompson, Roger Codling, Peter Dixon, Pete Uvegas, Brian Bird, Alice Dale.
In Attendance:
Councillor Gary Long
Councillor Alex Foster
Karen Coker (Head Teacher, Robert Shaw School)
Susan Ward-Rice (NAO, Nottingham City Council)
1. Welcome and Introductions
The Chairman welcomed attendees to the meeting and introductions were made.
2. Apologies
Cheryl Rawling (Nottingham City Homes)
3. Matters Arising from the Previous Minutes
These were agreed as a true record.
Beechdale Library
The Council had received a proposal from St Johns Ambulance to purchase the library as part of their intended purchase of the building next door. It is believed they wished to use it as a training centre. It is also believe that the Council had not made a formal decision regarding this request and were hopefully consulting users before this decision was reached.
This proposal has quite a response from various sections groups who do not agree with this decision. A resident from outside the estate had organised a rota to obtain signatures on a petition and Councillors Long and Foster are in this process of printing information for distribution to all local residents telling them of the events, hoping to gain more signatures against. Petition forms were distributed at meeting for committee members to help obtain any further signatures and a letter to oppose this action would be sent to Councillor Trimble (Portfolio Holder for Communities, Leisure and Culture).
The petition forms are to be returned to Councillor Long by the 30th June in preparation for the next Full Council Meeting.
Action : Michael Thomas
4. Chairman’s Statement
The Chairman thanked everyone for their attendance and work over the previous year and hoped to see everyone again over the coming year.
5. Activities from the Previous Year
A review of the activities the association had been involved in was read out by the Secretary. These included the Big Spring Clean event at Robert Shaw School, securing a grant for a visit by certain residents to a football match, road potholes on Arbrook Drive, house energy efficiency promotion; several litter picks and the clearance of New Bridge Steps and Southfield Road garages. A major item hopefully nearing completion with the great assistance of Karen Coker is the reopening of Robert Shaw Playing Fields.
6. Election of Officers
The meeting was handed over to Councillor Foster as an independent to carry out the elections of the officers of the committee.
The follow people were proposed and seconded and after a vote of all carried out of those present were elected to the following positions for the coming year until the next Annual General Meeting.
Chairman - Anthony Kelly
Treasurer - Christine Thomas
Secretary - Michael Thomas
7. Election of Independent Examiner of Accounts
It was agreed to ask Nottingham City Homes if they would again act in this capacity.
Action : Michael Thomas
8. Robert Shaw Playing Fields Update
Councillor Long had a meeting to clear up the final remaining insurance obstacle to the re-opening of the field and this now seems resolved and the re-opening can move forward. They only change is that any inspection requirement carried out during school holidays have to be completed by an employee of the school, council or the Police. Councillor Long was going to ask the local area PSCO or CPO if they could perform that duty on our behalf.
A big thank you goes to Karen and the School for the commitment to fund regular maintenance of the field for it to be able to be used in the long term. Hopefully because of this commitment the youths trespassing on the school grounds for sports play then will no longer have any reason to do so.
9. Any Other Business
Allotments at the Corner of Aspley Lane and Western Boulevard
An issue was raised with the overgrown bushes/trees that impeach in to the pavement area on this corner. There is a problem with the fact that these are privately owned and the association governing these allotments have no recourse ensure that they are kept in a reasonable state. This also makes it difficult for the council to bill for works carried out as some of these owners have passed away and the ownership passed to relatives who do not live in Nottingham or even in the country and just tend to ignore any correspondence.
Arbrook Drive Traffic
A matter of increase activity in traffic recently using Arbrook Drive as a through route had been received. The impressions of the residents were vehicles were approaching a good speed because of the lack of speed-retarding humps. It was unclear whether the speed-retarding humps on Grassington Road had diverted traffic to another route or whether because of the pavement replacement had reached the area of Grassington causing a hold up meaning Arbrook drive would be quicker. It was agreed that since the pavement replacement on Grassington was nearing completion Roger would keep in touch with the residents on Arbrook to see if the situation eases. Councillor Long informed the meeting that usually after the installation of speed humps on a road a repeat survey was carried out after a certain period of time.
Action : Roger Codling
10. Date of Next Meeting.
8th July 2009 at 5.45pm Robert Shaw School