Saturday, September 19, 2009
Dates of Future Meetings
Wednesday 4th November 2009
Wednesday 6th January 2010
Wednesday 3rd March 2010
Wednesday 5th May 2010 - Annual General Meeting
These meetings take place at 6pm before the Local Action Group at 7pm.
Usual location is Robert Shaw Primary School, Southfield Road.
Community Involvement Ideas
A few of the ideas we came up with were as follows;
- If enough residents were interested, make a request to the Council for use of an unused allotment for a community garden.
Friends of the School
- Any residents interested in getting together every month or 2 and volunteering to help the school with general gardening/tidying for a 2 to 3 hours.
Litter Patrol
- Once a month a patrol working together to litter pick in a more detailed way than the Council could ever hope to manage.
- Any residents interested in maintaining the appearance of the road island near number
Street Champion
- Any resident interested in being the voice of their street in regard to resident’s thoughts. Preferable one per street with 2 covering both ends of
We plan on leafleting the estate to get a feeling of the level of interest in any of these ideas and go forward from there.
Anyone else with any ideas or passions are welcome to come forward with those.