Held Wednesday 3th November 2010
6pm Robert Shaw Primary School
Anthony Kelly (Chairman), Michael Thomas (Secretary), Chris Earley, Eve Earling, Brian Bird, Jo Bride
In Attendance:
Councillor Gary Long
Susan Ward-Rice (NAO, Nottingham City Council)
Karen Coker (Head Teacher, Robert Shaw School)
Glyn Jenkins
Paul Crawford (Groundworks)
1. Apologies
Christine Thomas, Alex Foster
2. Matters Arising from the Previous Minutes
These were agreed as a true record.
Skegness Trip
A day enjoyed by all with some decent weather.
3. Fundraising
Given the approach of Christmas it was agreed to leave approaching any residents until the New Year to gauge the level of interest.
4. Robert Shaw Playing Field Update
The proposed plans were displayed at various events with Plan A being the most supported. A desire to see any play equipment together to be able to keep smaller children together. A cricket part to the plans was highly welcomed.
Funding remains an issue. Some funding has been identified as a possibility including partial and multi-funding. Given the plan to create some habitats there is a type of funding not usually available to other standard parks. There was a suggestion of appropriating Section 106 money to develop plans further.
James Tilford was looking in to the maintenance of the site with the first 5 years being built in to the contract but plans to be developed for maintenance beyond this period.
If the habitat part of the scheme is taking forward and can be used for educational purposes Karen said that the School may be able to contribute at some point.
Action : Gary Long/Paul Crawford
5. Thanks and Information
Susan Ward-Rice is leaving Nottingham City Council and Nottingham as well. A big thank you was given to all the help she has given the group. A leaving party was being organised by Susan at the Sheila Russell Centre for all the groups she attends.
6. Future Items for Discussion
Karen informed the meeting that B&Q provided almost out of date plants for community groups to use as either decoration or fundraising. They’ll even drop them off.
7. Any Other Business
None raised.
8. Date of Next Meeting
12th January 2011 at 6pm Robert Shaw Primary School.
- Apologies from Councillor Gary Long
Dates for Future Meetings
2nd March 2011
4th May 2011
6th July 2011
7th September 2011 (AGM)