Saturday, February 7, 2009

Ainsley Area Residents Assoication Meeting 28th January 2009

Ainsley Area Residents Association Minutes
Held Wednesday 28th January 2009
6.30pm Robert Shaw Primary School


Michael Thomas (Secretary), Christine Thomas (Treasurer), Eve Earling, Jo Bride, Lyn Thompson, Pete Dixon, Roger Codling

In Attendance:

Councillor Gary Long
Susan Ward-Rice (NAO, Nottingham City Council)
Karen Coker (Head Teacher, Robert Shaw School)

1. Apologies

Councillor Alex Foster
Chris Earling

2. Matters Arising from the Previous Minutes

These were agreed as a true record.

Southfield Road Garages

The meeting was informed by Karen that the land the garages occupy had been offered to the school but whilst initially thinking this was a donation she now believes that there be a price to this land.

The issue was raised about the state of the shrubbery/mess within this location and if Nottingham City Homes were responsible for this land could they clear and tidy up. Susan was going to write to them to see if they could address the issue.

Action : Susan Ward-Rice

3. Community Chest Application

The group’s application for fund for the suggested community project of tickets to a Nottingham Forest match for a selection of the residents has been successful. It was agreed that the tickets would be sort for next season to give the Committee time to inform all residents on the estate of the opportunity and time to organise a draw should applications exceed available places. It was also agreed that the tickets be for the same match and that the applicants and guest had to be residents of the estate as the application was made on their behalf. The application was made on the basis of 15 Adults and 12-17 year old guest. It was agreed that should the successful applicant adult want to take an additional child then they would give the correct money to the committee based on that matches prices.

A presentation is to take place in the Ballroom of the Council House in the 24th February 2009 with 9 members allowed to attend.

4. Robert Shaw Playing Field

Susan had received a response from Property Services on the 21st Jan. Roger Fearnside was willing to meet up with members of the group but this would have to be a daytime meeting. They raised questions which had already been discussed by the committee in previous meetings but put forward they should the Residents Association wish to take on the management of the field at certain times then we would have to become Trustees which have more legal responsibilities as a residents association is only a voluntary group.

A meeting between Councillors Long and Foster, Susan Ward-Rice and the Parks department raised the possibility of the Parks department clubbing the field in with their land for insurance purposes. If the Parks department aren’t responsible for the maintenance any company may be used. The School have volunteered to cover the cost of the ongoing maintenance IF the costs are not prohibitive. The School currently use a competitive company for their ground maintenance and Karen is going to ask them for a guesstimate as a guide price for grass-cutting and bramble clipping on the basis of the whole field. It was also suggested that as they provide an excellent and competitive service to the school that they be asked to quote for the initial clearance as well.

Action : Karen Coker

5. Any Other Business

School Thefts
Karen informed the meeting that the School had had all its lead stolen from the roof.

New Street Lights
A question was raised regarding the street lights on the estate and any replacement program. Councillor Long informed the meeting that the plan was to replace all street lights over a period of 3 to 4 years with more efficient models. Initially solid concrete posts would be replaced. Existing posts would be replaced if they were not sufficient for the new lights. The plan was to move the lights from the pavement edge to the inside edge.

Grassington Pavement
The pavement has been patched but not in all places. Councillor Long informed the meeting that Grassington Road was now at the top of the list for pavement replacement and should be done in the next 3 to 4 months.

Holbeck Road potholes
If there are potholes our Councillors can ask that they be patched but a full strip and repair of the road would require a full technical assessment and decision which is out of their influence. Unfortunately at this time Councillor Long said there are roads in the West Area demanding more immediate attention than Holbeck Road.

Drainage outside 106 Western Boulevard
Should the gulley be blocked the Councillors can ask that they be cleared. If the drains are blocked these are Severn Trent Water’s responsibility and a call can be logged with them although there is no direct line of communication between the council and Severn Trent. The problem doesn’t seem to have been solved on a few occasions and may be the natural lay of the land which would require a stripping and relaying of the pavement to help the water flow away.

6. Date of Next Meeting

Wednesday 18th March 2008 at 6.00 pm Robert Shaw School (Possibly 5.30pm)

Meeting ended at 19.25

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