Saturday, October 9, 2010

AGM 8th September 2010 Minutes

Wednesday 8th September 2010
Robert Shaw Primary School


Anthony Kelly (Chairman), Michael Thomas (Secretary), Christine Thomas (Treasurer), Chris Earley, Eve Earling, Brian Bird, Roger Codling, Graeme Lamb, Renate Atkinson, Joyce Rose, Cecelin Brown, Pat Galvin, Lynda Collishaw, Pete Brown, Hassan Chakisi, Stephen Smith

In Attendance:

Councillor Gary Long
Councillor Alex Foster
Susan Ward-Rice (NAO, Nottingham City Council)
Karen Coker (Head Teacher, Robert Shaw School)
CPO Wayne Smith
Glyn Jenkins

1. Apologies


2. Matters Arising from the Previous Minutes

These were agreed as a true record.

Skegness Trip
The trip is booked with Tiger Coaches for £375. All the seats have been allocated.

3. Big Summer Clean

An event publicised by Nottingham City Council to clean up certain aspects of Nottingham. Several of the road signs on the estate were reported for cleaning and repair but none of these were done by the deadline of the Big Summer Clean. Susan was going to chase up to get these completed.
Action : Susan Ward-Rice

4. Fundraising

A method of fundraising was circulated to try and raise funds for group to be able to take any projects forwards on the estate. The suggested scheme was based on the National Lottery Bonus Ball with a household purchasing one of the 49 numbers for a £1 with a winner each week with 50% to the prize fund and 50% to the Residents Association.

By law we would be required to register under the “Small Society Lottery” registration. This has an initial registration cost of £40 with annual renewal of £20.

5. Robert Shaw Playing Field Update

There are 3 plans that are being circulated around that are up for adaptation during consultation. Groundworks should be also posting these plans near the field. It was suggested that an event could be held on the field to publicise the plans.

6. Treasurers Report.

Received with thanks. Current balance of the Residents Association is £29 in credit.

7. Nomination and Voting Committee Positions

Thank you to Councillor Long for accepting nominations.

Chair – Anthony Kelly Nomination- Michael, 2nd – Karen Coker.
Secretary - Michael Thomas Nomination – Anthony 2nd Karen Coker
Treasurer - Christine Thomas Nomination – Roger Codling 2nd Karen Coker

Committee Members – Roger Codling, Karen Coker, Chris and Eve Earling, Renata Atkinson.

8 . Any Other Business

None raised.

9. Date of Next Meeting

3rd November 2010 at 6pm Robert Shaw Primary School.

Provisional Dates for Future Meetings

12th January 2011

4th May 2011

6th July 2011

7th September 2011 (AGM)

Friday, August 20, 2010

Annual General Meeting 8th September 2010

The Annual General Meeting of the residents association is due to take place on;

8th September at 6pm, Robert Shaw Primary School.

Everyone on the estate are more than welcome to come.

The vote will take place for Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer, Secretary and committee members.

There are about 6 meetings a year that usually take place before the Local Action Group meeting.

Skegness Trip - Sunday 12th September

By this weekend all residents of the estate should have had a leaflet through the door offering a free trip to Skegness.

If you want to go, fill it in and post it to us by the 28th August.

The coach has been booked to pick up at 8.30am to take us there and to get back to the drop off by about 6.30pm to 7pm. The coach is a 49 seater single deck. If applications exceed this I'll look at booking the double-decker.

Hopefully the weather will hold out but thats the UK for you.

Looking forward to see people booking and having a good day out.

Thank you to the West Area Committee for the money to be able to lay on this trip.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Ainsley Area Residents Association - Meeting 7th July 2010

Held Wednesday 7th July 2010

6pm Robert Shaw Primary School


Anthony Kelly (Chairman), Michael Thomas (Secretary), Christine Thomas (Treasurer), Chris Earley, Brian Bird, Jo Bride, Lynn Shepherd, Renate Atkinson

In Attendance:

Councillor Gary Long

Susan Ward-Rice (NAO, Nottingham City Council)

Karen Coker (Head Teacher, Robert Shaw School)

Jo Phelan (Groundworks)

Hayley Musson (Nottinghamshire Police)

Mohammed Saghir

Glyn Jenkins

1. Apologies

Roger Codling, Councillor Alex Foster

2. Matters Arising from the Previous Minutes

These were agreed as a true record.

Neighbourhood In Bloom

Jo, Lyn and team planted on the upper roundabout and took pictures of the work they had completed. The flowers have lasted quite well even though they have been given a small amount of abuse. They did break up the monotony of the island so thank you to Jo and Lyn for organising the work.

3. Robert Shaw Playing Field Future Development and Funding.

Three designs were presented for consideration with various options on each or to pick and choose from the three. The MUGA was placed as far away from the rear of the houses as possible and the size of the MUGA equates to roughly the same size as the one at the school. The designs included various designs for informal play as well as a path creating a walk and possibly wild life sections. It was agreed to initially present the designs at an event at the school to take place 9th July to consult residents and children on their thoughts of the design.

Fundraising could hopefully be obtained from various sources including a Community Spaces application from the National Lottery which Groundworks could help process with 2 members of the committee with photo-id’s making the application. Other funding is available that requires 3rd party input of a reasonable amount which would be more difficult to obtain.

Local fundraising is an issue with various suggestions brought forward. Some gambling suggestions may require a licence from the local authority to be run officially and transparently but group fundraising would look better with an application. Other suggestions included more one off items such as sponsored events. Information regarding any licence and costs were to be obtained.

The issue of the unevenness of the ground was raised previously with the current contractor saying that summer was the wrong time of year to try and roller the ground flat with the ground being too firm and that it may not even work later in the year.

Action : Susan Ward-Rice/ Michael Thomas

4. Annual General Meeting - Delivers

The Annual General Meeting is to take place on September 8th. Information sheets will be delivered to committee members for delivery to about 2 weeks prior to the event. Michael to create the poster and organise the routes based on last years deliveries. Thank you to volunteers for helping. Nominations for Chair, Vice, Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and committee members will be taken at the meeting.

Action : Michael Thomas / Committee Members

5. Skegness Trip Date

It was agreed to hold the trip on Sunday 12th September. Application forms will be delivered to the estate residents at the beginning of August with a closing date of the 28th August. A single deck coach will be booked, as soon as the funds are known to be available, giving the limit to applications. Should applications exceed spaces individuals independent of the committee will draw applications at random. Applications are open from all age groups. Tickets will be made available for collection to the successful applicants at the Annual General Meeting.

Action : Michael Thomas

6. Any Other Business

Big Lunch

This is a national event where communities coming together over a lunch to socialise and talk with neighbours. This national date for this event is 18th July. The committee felt this was quite was short notice to organise an event. It is hoped that the playing field next year will provide a location to hold a community party or an alternative location could be used.

New Community Protection Officer

A new CPO is has joined the Leen Valley Police team. His name is Wayne Smith and he has the current temporary mobile number of .

6. Date of Next Meeting.

Wednesday 8th September at 6pm Robert Shaw School

Friday, May 7, 2010

Ainsley Area Residents Association - Meeting 5th May 2010

Ainsley Area Residents Association

Held Wednesday 5th May 2010

6pm Robert Shaw Primary School


Anthony Kelly (Chairman)

Michael Thomas (Secretary), Christine Thomas (Treasurer), Eve Earley, Chris Earley,

Brian Bird, Pete Dixon, Jo Bride, Lynn Shepherd

In Attendance:

Councillor Gary Long

Karen Coker (Head Teacher, Robert Shaw School)

Susan Ward-Rice (NAO, Nottingham City Council)

PCSO Hayley Musson

CPO Kelly McCoy

Jo Phelan (Groundworks)

1. Apologies

Lynn Thompson, Councillor Alex Foster, Roger Codling

2. Matters Arising from the Previous Minutes

These were agreed as a true record.

Western Boulevard Subway.

By the time of the meeting the subway had be cleared of litter and was currently in the process of having the vegetation on the banks cleared. During the icy period the school put grit down to improve safety on the paths to school.

3. Robert Shaw Playing Field Future Development and Funding.

The field had been waterlogged recently but there had been a few weeks with heavy rain. There was an indent of a mini-moto going around the estate and on the field. This situation is to be monitored and information gathered as these vehicles can be removed from the owners. The signs for the field and the school were due to go up next week and a bin has been installed at the field entrance.

Jo Phelan from Groundworks explained certain funding options. There are some that won’t fund given the field is not open continuously and some that require 3rd party funding. The options for development of the field had gone through a number of resident consultations and it was felt that a further one was not required. Initial development was trying to aim was to secure a Multi-use games area (MUGA) for basketball/football use. These are a substantial cost and timescales may be in month’s dependant on funding. Further developments would be done in phases.

The initial plan was to look at design options and potential funders.

Action: Groundworks

4. West Area Committee Best West Awards

The committee have been successful in their application for funds to send residents of the estate on a community cohesion day trip to Skegness.

5. Any Other Business

Beechdale Library

The decision about the library will be finalised at the next Full Council meeting which is due to take place on Monday 8th March

Neighbourhood In Bloom

An application is to be put forward to a maximum of £100 for plants and flowers to take part in the Nottingham In Bloom project. These plants are to be planted on the upper traffic island with the help of some of the children on the estate.

Action : Jo Bride

Bin - Allotments

A resident had enquired about a replacement bin for the cut-through to the allotments. Susan informed the meeting that this was still in the process.

6. Date of Next Meeting.

Wednesday 5th May 2010 at 6pm Robert Shaw School

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

West Area Committee Award Presentation

On Wednesday 31st March myself and a couple of committee members attended the presentation of the ceremonial cheques for our application for funds for a community cohesion project.

These awards are created for the individual Councillors budgets to make a positive impact in the communities they represent. The application form for these awards are simple and give access to funds to community groups from a wide selection of society without having to go through some of the normal complicated processes required to obtain funding for the projects involved.

This year we have applied to take members of the estate on a day trip to Skegness by either train or bus depending on the level of interest from residents.

Here's hoping the day we pick will have some sunshine.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

West Area Community Chest Award

I've received a letter (23rd Feb) to say we have been successful in our application for funds from the Community Chest Award.

The application was to take residents from the estate on a community trip to the seaside on the train.

Hopefully it will be as successful as last years Nottingham Forest and Leicester City football match we all attended but on this occasion not as many people can go.

We will have to start organising the event and getting applications from residents as soon as we have the money if we are to fit it in this year.

All good fun.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Ainsley Area Residents Association - Meeting 6th January 2010


Anthony Kelly (Chairman)

Michael Thomas (Secretary), Christine Thomas (Treasurer), Eve Earley, Chris Earley,

Brian Bird, Roger Codling

In Attendance:

Councillor Gary Long

Karen Coker (Head Teacher, Robert Shaw School)

Susan Ward-Rice (NAO, Nottingham City Council)

1. Apologies

Lynn Thompson, Councillor Alex Foster

2. Matters Arising from the Previous Minutes

These were agreed as a true record.

Robert Shaw Playing Field

Is open and we have been informed is being used. We are currently waiting for a bin installation, which has been ordered and some signage. There has been a small issue of fly tipping which needs to be kept and eye on. There was also an email circulated about travellers being move on from a site somewhere else in the city so for residents to be vigilant.

3. Robert Shaw Playing Field Future Development and Funding.

Future development for the field would hopefully include the installation of some equipment. There are various sources of funding to which Residents Associations can make applications. Some require bid matching, some don’t. Susan agreed to collect some information regarding the variety of sources available.

There was also a group called Groundworks that can help with voluntary work to help develop the field. Susan was to ask them if they could attend the next meeting to explain what they can do for us.

Action: Susan Ward-Rice

4. Goal / Development Ideas for 2010

Committee members are ask to think of any developments or issues they would like to see taken forward during the next year.

Robert Shaw 60th Birthday

Karen informed the meeting that the school would be reaching its 60th birthday celebration and had plans to hold various events including a street party if possible. Karen asked if investigations could be made in to the availability of the street party option.

Action : Councillor Long

5. Any Other Business

Western Boulevard Underpass

There seems to have been a collection of litter in the underpass. Councillor Long would raise this with the Streetscene department.

Action : Councillor Long

Dorothy Grove Cut-through

The extremely icy condition of the cut-through was raised. The meeting was informed that given the limited resources available and the need to grit before the ice appears this issue was unlikely to be solved.

Allotments – Composting Toilet

Councillor Foster asked that the meeting be informed about Oakfield Special School having an allotment at the rear of Northdown Road / Grassington Road. The School wanted to install a composting toilet so facilities were available for the children to use. Although the exact location of the allotment was not known, no objection was raised from the committee members.

Aspley Lane / Western Boulevard

There is currently an unused allotment of the corner of these roads where small trees and privet have overgrown intruding in to the pathway and cycle path. This problem is complex because of the private nature of the allotment and locating the owner to pay for any work the council would carry out. A couple of committee members expressed an interest in doing some remedial work if they had time to try and remedy some of the problem.

6. Date of Next Meeting.

Wednesday 3rd March 2010 at 6pm Robert Shaw School