Held Wednesday 7th July 2010
6pm Robert Shaw Primary School
In Attendance:
Jo Phelan (Groundworks)
Hayley Musson (Nottinghamshire Police)
Mohammed Saghir
Glyn Jenkins
1. Apologies
Roger Codling, Councillor
2. Matters Arising from the Previous Minutes
These were agreed as a true record.
Neighbourhood In Bloom
Jo, Lyn and team planted on the upper roundabout and took pictures of the work they had completed. The flowers have lasted quite well even though they have been given a small amount of abuse. They did break up the monotony of the island so thank you to Jo and Lyn for organising the work.
3. Robert Shaw Playing Field Future Development and Funding.
Three designs were presented for consideration with various options on each or to pick and choose from the three. The MUGA was placed as far away from the rear of the houses as possible and the size of the MUGA equates to roughly the same size as the one at the school. The designs included various designs for informal play as well as a path creating a walk and possibly wild life sections. It was agreed to initially present the designs at an event at the school to take place 9th July to consult residents and children on their thoughts of the design.
Fundraising could hopefully be obtained from various sources including a Community Spaces application from the National Lottery which Groundworks could help process with 2 members of the committee with photo-id’s making the application. Other funding is available that requires 3rd party input of a reasonable amount which would be more difficult to obtain.
Local fundraising is an issue with various suggestions brought forward. Some gambling suggestions may require a licence from the local authority to be run officially and transparently but group fundraising would look better with an application. Other suggestions included more one off items such as sponsored events. Information regarding any licence and costs were to be obtained.
The issue of the unevenness of the ground was raised previously with the current contractor saying that summer was the wrong time of year to try and roller the ground flat with the ground being too firm and that it may not even work later in the year.
Action :
4. Annual General Meeting - Delivers
The Annual General Meeting is to take place on September 8th. Information sheets will be delivered to committee members for delivery to about 2 weeks prior to the event. Michael to create the poster and organise the routes based on last years deliveries. Thank you to volunteers for helping. Nominations for Chair, Vice, Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and committee members will be taken at the meeting.
Action :
5. Skegness Trip Date
It was agreed to hold the trip on Sunday 12th September. Application forms will be delivered to the estate residents at the beginning of August with a closing date of the 28th August. A single deck coach will be booked, as soon as the funds are known to be available, giving the limit to applications. Should applications exceed spaces individuals independent of the committee will draw applications at random. Applications are open from all age groups. Tickets will be made available for collection to the successful applicants at the Annual General Meeting.
Action :
6. Any Other Business
Big Lunch
This is a national event where communities coming together over a lunch to socialise and talk with neighbours. This national date for this event is 18th July. The committee felt this was quite was short notice to organise an event. It is hoped that the playing field next year will provide a location to hold a community party or an alternative location could be used.
New Community Protection Officer
A new CPO is has joined the Leen Valley Police team. His name is Wayne Smith and he has the current temporary mobile number of .
6. Date of Next Meeting.
Wednesday 8th September at 6pm
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