Saturday, May 7, 2011

Ainsley Area Resident Association - Meeting 9th March 2011

Held Wednesday 9th March 2011

6pm Robert Shaw Primary School


Anthony Kelly (Chairman), Michael Thomas (Secretary), Brian Bird, Christine Thomas

In Attendance:

Councillor Alex Foster

Karen Coker (Head Teacher, Robert Shaw School)

Deborah Wilson (Neighbour Action Officer, Nottingham City Council)

1. Apologies

Paul Crawford (Groundworks), Renata Atkinson, Chris Earling, Eve Earling.

2. Matters Arising from the Previous Minutes


It was agreed to post a leaflet through resident’s doors to gauge a level of interest in the idea of the “Bonus Ball” scheme. This would be done in the next month for the results to be available by the next meeting.

3. Robert Shaw Playing Field Update

The Biffa application has passed the first stage. The application for the Peoples Millions funding has been organised and sent and a response about whether this will go forward to the next stage should be known in early April.

Paul and Debbie in co-operation with the School were going to organise an activity session on the field. This would include getting the community involved planting small plants and scrubs near the entrance. This would be advertised at school and to the residents of the estate.

Action : All members.

4. Any Other Business

School Break In.

The school has had two serious break ins recently with thefts involved. Some youths were caught by the Police on one of the occasions and some on the property returned. It’s difficult to see some of the site but if anyone is seen on the grounds it is unacceptable and if anyone is seen climbing anywhere on the school buildings ring the Police immediately.

Yellow Lines Dorothy Grove/Ainsley Road.

There is consistent inconsiderate parking near the school on these roads. This has been raised with the Council by a Dorothy Grove resident and local councillors. Yellow lines are on the list of programme of works but these lines cost £3000 including consultation and installation.

5. Date of Next Meeting

Wednesday 4th May 2011 at 6pm Robert Shaw Primary School. (LAG afterwards)

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