Anthony Kelly (Chairman), Michael Thomas (Secretary), Christine Thomas, Eve Earling, Chris Earling, Brian Bird, Roger Codling
In Attendance:
Councillor Mohammed Saghir
Councillor Glyn Jenkins
Deborah Wilson (Neighbour Action Officer, Nottingham City Council)
Paul Crawford (Groundworks)
Karen Coker (Head Teacher, Robert Shaw School)
1. Apologies
None received
2. Matters Arising from the Previous Minutes
No matters arising from the previous meeting
3. Robert Shaw Playing Field – Woodland Trust Grant
The Woodland Trust application has been successful and they will delivering the saplings around the 14th November.
The Biffa application of £50,000 was also successful. This money has to be spent within the year providing pathways, habitat improvements and natural play areas. Groundwork are going to provide the addition details to Biffa and organise the third party contribution to Biffa which is then given back.
Phase 2 will hopefully improve the playing facilities. There are several options ranging from completely flattening the area, a football/cricket area and, the most costly option, a Multi-use Games Area (MUGA). It was agreed to look at organising a Spring Parklife Event on the field which could include a consultation on what the people on the estate would like to see.
4. Grassington Road Parking
An issue was raised about the section of Grassington Road that runs from Holbeck Road to Northdown Road in regard to parking. This section of Grassington Road is the only section that has housing both sides and on occasions parking outside these houses is causing a 100 metre stretch of single lane road with little passing points. It is also not helped by the road turning away at one end giving a limited field of vision on entry at one end.
It is noted that there does not seem to be any illegal parking in this section, just an increase in volume at various times. This would leave limited available solutions with one of the few being to ask people to use their driveways should they have one available. It was agreed to keep an eye on the problem to see if the situation gets worse or if any solutions present themselves.
5. Vale Crescent North Road Surface
The surface of the road on Vale Crescent North is a patchwork of tarmac and the worse surface on the estate. In the previous year Southfield Road was resurfaced with no visible reason for its priority. It was agreed to enquire with Highways to see if the surface of Vale Crescent North can be re-assessed and improved as soon as possible.
6. Any Other Business
None raised.
7. Date of Next Meeting
2nd November 2011 at 6pm
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