Saturday, November 5, 2011

Ainsley Area Residents Assoication - Meeting 2nd Nov 2011


Anthony Kelly (Chairman), Michael Thomas (Secretary), Christine Thomas, Chris Earling, Roger Codling, Pete Dixon

Representatives of the local community (x10)

1. Apologies

Eve Earling, Karen Coker (Head Teacher), Paul Carwford (Groundwork)

2. Matters Arising from the Previous Minutes

Vale Crescent North Road Surface

The condition of this road surface has been brought to Highways attention and is on the list for repair at some point. Because of financial constraints it is not known when a repair is liable to happen.

3. Robert Shaw Playing Field – Woodland Trust Grant

The Woodland Trust application has been successful and they will deliver the saplings around the 14th November. The saplings are being delivered in one box. Michael is to contact Groundwork to find out any plans of where these are to go and whether an area is to be cleared to enable planting to take place.

A significant group of residents attended the meeting to express their views on future plans regarding the field. There was a wish to see some area that could be used for 5-a-side football as they are keen to take this activity further with the possibility of community events in the future.

4. Any Other Business

Southfield Road Garages

There is a plan to remove the garages. Quotes have been received by the Council to move this forward. There are future plans to build house(s) on the site!

5. Date of Next Meeting

Wednesday 11th January 2012 at 6pm

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Ainsley Area Residents Assoication - Meeting 7th Sept 2011


Anthony Kelly (Chairman), Michael Thomas (Secretary), Christine Thomas, Eve Earling, Chris Earling, Brian Bird, Roger Codling

In Attendance:

Councillor Mohammed Saghir

Councillor Glyn Jenkins

Deborah Wilson (Neighbour Action Officer, Nottingham City Council)

Paul Crawford (Groundworks)

Karen Coker (Head Teacher, Robert Shaw School)

1. Apologies

None received

2. Matters Arising from the Previous Minutes

No matters arising from the previous meeting

3. Robert Shaw Playing Field – Woodland Trust Grant

The Woodland Trust application has been successful and they will delivering the saplings around the 14th November.

The Biffa application of £50,000 was also successful. This money has to be spent within the year providing pathways, habitat improvements and natural play areas. Groundwork are going to provide the addition details to Biffa and organise the third party contribution to Biffa which is then given back.

Phase 2 will hopefully improve the playing facilities. There are several options ranging from completely flattening the area, a football/cricket area and, the most costly option, a Multi-use Games Area (MUGA). It was agreed to look at organising a Spring Parklife Event on the field which could include a consultation on what the people on the estate would like to see.

4. Grassington Road Parking

An issue was raised about the section of Grassington Road that runs from Holbeck Road to Northdown Road in regard to parking. This section of Grassington Road is the only section that has housing both sides and on occasions parking outside these houses is causing a 100 metre stretch of single lane road with little passing points. It is also not helped by the road turning away at one end giving a limited field of vision on entry at one end.

It is noted that there does not seem to be any illegal parking in this section, just an increase in volume at various times. This would leave limited available solutions with one of the few being to ask people to use their driveways should they have one available. It was agreed to keep an eye on the problem to see if the situation gets worse or if any solutions present themselves.

5. Vale Crescent North Road Surface

The surface of the road on Vale Crescent North is a patchwork of tarmac and the worse surface on the estate. In the previous year Southfield Road was resurfaced with no visible reason for its priority. It was agreed to enquire with Highways to see if the surface of Vale Crescent North can be re-assessed and improved as soon as possible.

6. Any Other Business

None raised.

7. Date of Next Meeting

2nd November 2011 at 6pm

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Ainsley Area Resident Association - Meeting 4th May 2011


Anthony Kelly (Chairman), Michael Thomas (Secretary), Christine Thomas, Renata Atkinson, Jo Bride, Eve Earling.

In Attendance:

Councillor Alex Foster

Councillor Gary Long

Deborah Wilson (Neighbour Action Officer, Nottingham City Council)

1. Apologies

Paul Crawford (Groundworks), Renata Atkinson, Chris Earling,

Karen Coker (Head Teacher, Robert Shaw School)

2. Matters Arising from the Previous Minutes


From the leaflet drop regarding the Bonus Ball fundraising scheme we had a grand total of 3 responses. Another possibility was raising money through raffle prizes. It was agreed that we would approach various organisations to see if they have any products / services to contribute to the prizes.

Action : Jo Bride

3. Robert Shaw Playing Field Update

The planting session went well making the entrance look more attractive. The entrance had also been tidied up prior to the planting event. The Biffa application result should be known by August. The field has started to be used by families to start playing sports on, in particularly cricket. It was agreed to see if the part of the plan that involves properly flattening part of the field to be used properly to plan these sorts of ball games could be brought forward. The committee were particularly interested in the either just flattening or scraping the top layer and re-seeding and the timescales involved in either.

Action : Deborah Wilson

4. Crime Update

The have been a spate of break ins around the estate. Some of these have occurred during the day whilst people were in, accessing through unlocked doors. The Police have asked people to be vigilant and report and suspicious activity.

5. Any Other Business

No other business was raised

6. Date of Next Meeting

Wednesday 2011 at 6th July 2011 at 6pm Robert Shaw Primary School. (LAG afterwards)

Ainsley Area Resident Association - Meeting 9th March 2011

Held Wednesday 9th March 2011

6pm Robert Shaw Primary School


Anthony Kelly (Chairman), Michael Thomas (Secretary), Brian Bird, Christine Thomas

In Attendance:

Councillor Alex Foster

Karen Coker (Head Teacher, Robert Shaw School)

Deborah Wilson (Neighbour Action Officer, Nottingham City Council)

1. Apologies

Paul Crawford (Groundworks), Renata Atkinson, Chris Earling, Eve Earling.

2. Matters Arising from the Previous Minutes


It was agreed to post a leaflet through resident’s doors to gauge a level of interest in the idea of the “Bonus Ball” scheme. This would be done in the next month for the results to be available by the next meeting.

3. Robert Shaw Playing Field Update

The Biffa application has passed the first stage. The application for the Peoples Millions funding has been organised and sent and a response about whether this will go forward to the next stage should be known in early April.

Paul and Debbie in co-operation with the School were going to organise an activity session on the field. This would include getting the community involved planting small plants and scrubs near the entrance. This would be advertised at school and to the residents of the estate.

Action : All members.

4. Any Other Business

School Break In.

The school has had two serious break ins recently with thefts involved. Some youths were caught by the Police on one of the occasions and some on the property returned. It’s difficult to see some of the site but if anyone is seen on the grounds it is unacceptable and if anyone is seen climbing anywhere on the school buildings ring the Police immediately.

Yellow Lines Dorothy Grove/Ainsley Road.

There is consistent inconsiderate parking near the school on these roads. This has been raised with the Council by a Dorothy Grove resident and local councillors. Yellow lines are on the list of programme of works but these lines cost £3000 including consultation and installation.

5. Date of Next Meeting

Wednesday 4th May 2011 at 6pm Robert Shaw Primary School. (LAG afterwards)

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Ainsley Area Residents Association Meeting - 12th January 2011


Anthony Kelly (Chairman), Michael Thomas (Secretary), Chris Earley, Eve Earling, Brian Bird, Renata Atkinson

In Attendance:

Councillor Gary Long

Karen Coker (Head Teacher, Robert Shaw School)

Paul Crawford (Groundworks)

1. Apologies

Roger Codling, Alex Foster

2. Matters Arising from the Previous Minutes

Road Signs

Road signs that were dirty or in need of attention were reported to the Council as part of the 'Big Summer Clean' program. Unfortunately this work does not seem to have been carried out.

3. Fundraising

A leaflet was prepared for delivery to residents on the estate for them to express an interest in becoming involved in fund raising for the group. Michael is to prepare the leaflets and print them for members to deliver.

Action : Michael

4. Robert Shaw Playing Field Update

The cost of the project has been determined from the designs based on design A and a brief funding strategy was presented. Funding is being sort from a variety of different areas. Groundworks are currently talking to Parks about funding. Section 106 development money was being sort to fund part of the project. Gary was going to investigate access to some Section 106 funding available to the West Area Committee.

The first stage of the Biffa application is through and being passed on to the second stage. Third party funding is still required with this possibly coming area committee or parks. There is the possibility of the money the school already invests in the sight being taken in to consideration as it from their own budget.

There is also the possibility of funding from the Woodland Trust to provide specific plants/trees for the area. The choice of trees was delegated to Groundworks on what they thought was appropriate for the scheme.

The committee is grateful for everyone's efforts at trying to secure funding at this trying time and grateful for the progress made so quickly given the trials of hurdles faced by the school and Councillors in getting the field open for use in the first place.

Action : Gary Long/Paul Crawford/Michael

5. Any Other Business

An issues with the white lines at the crossing on Western Boulvard lights being too close to the crossing itself was raised. This issue was referred to the Local Action Group (LAG) meeting.

6. Date of Next Meeting

Wednesday 9th March 2011 at 6pm Robert Shaw Primary School. (LAG afterwards)

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Ainsley Area Resident Association - Meeting 3rd November 2010

Held Wednesday 3th November 2010
6pm Robert Shaw Primary School


Anthony Kelly (Chairman), Michael Thomas (Secretary), Chris Earley, Eve Earling, Brian Bird, Jo Bride

In Attendance:
Councillor Gary Long
Susan Ward-Rice (NAO, Nottingham City Council)
Karen Coker (Head Teacher, Robert Shaw School)
Glyn Jenkins
Paul Crawford (Groundworks)

1. Apologies

Christine Thomas, Alex Foster

2. Matters Arising from the Previous Minutes

These were agreed as a true record.

Skegness Trip
A day enjoyed by all with some decent weather.

3. Fundraising

Given the approach of Christmas it was agreed to leave approaching any residents until the New Year to gauge the level of interest.

4. Robert Shaw Playing Field Update

The proposed plans were displayed at various events with Plan A being the most supported. A desire to see any play equipment together to be able to keep smaller children together. A cricket part to the plans was highly welcomed.

Funding remains an issue. Some funding has been identified as a possibility including partial and multi-funding. Given the plan to create some habitats there is a type of funding not usually available to other standard parks. There was a suggestion of appropriating Section 106 money to develop plans further.

James Tilford was looking in to the maintenance of the site with the first 5 years being built in to the contract but plans to be developed for maintenance beyond this period.

If the habitat part of the scheme is taking forward and can be used for educational purposes Karen said that the School may be able to contribute at some point.

Action : Gary Long/Paul Crawford

5. Thanks and Information

Susan Ward-Rice is leaving Nottingham City Council and Nottingham as well. A big thank you was given to all the help she has given the group. A leaving party was being organised by Susan at the Sheila Russell Centre for all the groups she attends.

6. Future Items for Discussion

Karen informed the meeting that B&Q provided almost out of date plants for community groups to use as either decoration or fundraising. They’ll even drop them off.

7. Any Other Business

None raised.

8. Date of Next Meeting

12th January 2011 at 6pm Robert Shaw Primary School.

- Apologies from Councillor Gary Long

Dates for Future Meetings

2nd March 2011

4th May 2011

6th July 2011

7th September 2011 (AGM)