Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Ainsley Area Residents Association - Meeting 4th July 2012


Anthony Kelly (Chairman), Michael Thomas (Secretary), Christine Thomas, Eve Earling, Roger Codling, Brian Bird, , Robert Clifton, Wendy Clifton, David Wylie, Chris Earling, Maryn,
Siraj Uddin

In Attendance:
Deborah Wilson (Neighbour Action Officer, Nottingham City Council)
Councillor Glyn Jenkins
Councillor Mohammed Saghir
Tessa Myerscough (Nottingham City Homes)

1.         Apologies

Karen Coker (Head Teacher, Robert Shaw School), Stefan Cherwak, Diane Cherwak

2.         Matters Arising from the Previous Minutes

The old M&S Kitchens building new owners have turned away from making the place in to a community venue and it has now been converted in to a shop.

3.         Robert Shaw Playing Field – Update

The work is progressing well and should be finished by the end of summer.  There were some concerns expressed about the mixture of astro-turf and grass in the football area.  This mixture is ok with the football association and has been risk assessed.

It was proposed that when the work has been completed that there be a community engagement event held on the field to promote its launch.

4.         Any Other Business

The PTA Chair informed the group about a summer fayre being held soon at the school on a Friday after school.

Deborah informed the group of a change in the schedule of Local Action Group (LAG) meetings being held in the area.  Forthcoming meetings are 3rd October at Bluecoat Academy, 17th October at The Vine Community Centre and 7th November at Robert Shaw Primary School.

Concerns were raised by a resident of Grassington Road about the volume of parking on a certain section of the road.  It was also raised about an Ice Cream van parking inappropriately near the school.  The parking around the school is regularly being monitored.  The parking problem around Grassington Road is a more difficult issue as it seems to be residents with multiple cars and not inconsiderate parking.

7.         Date of Next Meeting

Wednesday 5th September 2012 at 6pm

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