Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Ainsley Area Residents Assoication - Meeting 2nd May 2012 (AGM)


Anthony Kelly (Chairman), Michael Thomas (Secretary), Christine Thomas, Eve Earling, Roger Codling, Brian Bird, Stefan Cherwak, Diane Cherwak, Robert Clifton, Wendy Clifton, David Wylie, Pete Dixon

In Attendance:
Deborah Wilson (Neighbour Action Officer, Nottingham City Council)
Karen Coker (Head Teacher, Robert Shaw School)

1.         Apologies

Chris Earling
Councillor Glyn Jenkins

2.         Matters Arising from the Previous Minutes

M&S Interiors has sold a lease of the building to a couple of community members.  They are currently in the process of applying for planning permission to turn the venue in to a community centre open to all comers.  There are numerous planning and building regulations to meet should a change of use be granted.  The building should not be used until such permissions have been granted.

3.         Robert Shaw Playing Field – Update

The application to gain access to Section 106 money to develop the second phase of the field has been granted.  This would mean the development of the football and cricket area with the landscaping that would require.  The football pitch size is based on 11 year old players.  The development of the Multi-use Games Area would require additional funding.

4.         Treasurers Report

The current funds available in the Residents Association bank account is £254

5.         Nomination and Voting of Committee Positions

Nominations were opened for the positions on the committee.  The following people have been voted in to the committee positions until the next AGM
Chair :                          Anthony Kelly
Vice Chair:                  Dave Wylie
Treasurer :                   Christine Thomas
Secretary :                   Michael Thomas
Committee members:  Stefan and Diane Cherwak, Roger Codling, Eve and Chris Earling, Brian Bird, Pete Dixon, Robert and Wendy Clifton.   

6.         Any Other Business

Parking – Dorothy Grove and around the school have become significantly congested.  Karen informed the meeting that a new group has started with different attendance times that has increase the flow of traffic at certain times.  The school and the Police are working closely to try and resolve some of the more dangerous issues.  It is known that parents make sensible parking choices when there is a visual presence of Karen or the Police but slip in to poor practice when there isn’t. 

It is on-going frustrating issue.

7.         Date of Next Meeting

Wednesday 4th July 2012 at 6pm

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