Held Monday 21st April 2008
6.30pm Robert Shaw Primary School
Anthony Evans (Chairman)
Michael Thomas (Secretary), Christine Thomas (Treasurer), Lynn Thompson, Dane Thompson, Lynn Shepherd, Johnathan Wheatcroft, Ryan Silverton, Eve Earling, Jo Bride, Sophia Bride, Peter Uveges.
In Attendance:
Councillor Gary Long, Councillor Alex Foster,
Susan Ward-Rice (NAO, Nottingham Council Council),
Cheryll Rawling (TRO, Nottingham City Homes)
1. Welcome and Introduction
The Chairman welcome everyone to the meeting.
2. Apologies
Karen Coker, Head Teacher, Robert Shaw Primary School.
3. Proposed Group Name Change
Following discussion that initially took place at the AGM (14th April 2008) it was agreed that the name of the Group be changed to the Ainsley Area Residents Association.
4. The Group Constitution
The purpose of this document was discussed with regarding to recognition, funding and grants. A constitution does already exist for the Residents Association under the previous name which Susan Ward-Rice will alter and bring to the next meeting.
Action: Susan Ward-Rice
5. Terms of Reference, Information for Residents.
Discussion took place of the need to inform residents of the area about the group, what it exists for and how it can help the area and the difference between the Residents Association and the Local Action Group. Discussion also took place regarding future meetings and resident involvement. Guidelines are in place with how many public meetings must be held to involve all residents and how many are committee meetings must be held to conduct the business of the Residents Association. It was agreed to create an information leaflet to inform residents of the groups’ aims and how to contact a member of the committee regarding any estate issues they wish to raise.
Action : Anthony Evans, Michael Thomas
6. Initial Key Aims.
Robert Shaw Playing Field, Southfield Road.
It was agreed l that the group would initially aim to get the field back in usable condition for the local people to use with a minimum of a possible football field and pursue plans for a more advanced activity area in the future.
This again brought forward question of ownership of the field and Government guidelines regarding minimum requirements for open space for schools. Fluctuations in the organisation of Schools in the area would create additional concerns. Robert Shaw School were happy for the community to use the playing field but within current guidelines can not just give it away. The group was informed that the Education Authority was now happy in principle for joint use and it was agreed that the school should discuss this issue with them.
Councillors Long agreed to discuss the issue of initial funding make the field useable at a Local Area Meeting but long term maintenance would be a matter for future discussion. Susan Ward-Rice offered to set up a meeting with the Head Teacher, a member of the Parks Department, Anthony Evans and Michael Thomas to discuss the way forward. Following this meeting it was felt a survey of the residents whose properties back on to the field should be taken.
Concerns were also raised about protecting the field from authorised motor vehicle entrance it was agreed that this would need to be addressed should the field re-open properly.
Action: Councillor Long / Susan Ward-Rice / Anthony Evans / Michael Thomas
Subway under Western Boulevard near Robert Shaw School.
A suggestion was put forward for group consideration regarding the subway and the Anti-social behaviour it attracts. Issues were raised at the AGM regarding inappropriate conversions form this area with children in the playground. The subway also has a graffiti and litter problem.
It was agreed by the group that after discussions with the School and consultation with the residents of the estate that the council be approached with the intention of sealing of the walk way access to the subway with fencing from the school along the footpath to Western Boulevard and a gate put across the subway at the Beechdale Baths end to allow the school sole use of the underpass.
Action : Michael Thomas
7. Any Other Business
None raised
8. Date of Next Meeting
Monday 19th May 2008 at 6.30 pm Robert Shaw School
The meeting closed at 7.15pm
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