Held Monday 20th October 2008
6.30pm Robert Shaw Primary School
Anthony Evans (Chairman)
Michael Thomas (Secretary), Christine Thomas (Treasurer), Chris Earling, Eve Earling, Roger Codling, Lyn Thompson, Dane Thompson, Peter Uvegas
In Attendance:
Councillor Alex Foster
Susan Ward-Rice (NAO, Nottingham City Council)
1. Apologies
Councillor Gary Long, Karen Coker (Head Teacher, Robert Shaw School)
2. Matters Arising from the Previous Minutes
These were agreed as a true record.
Councillor Long and Michael Thomas had visited the residents on either side of the park and their main concern was that sufficient precautions were taken to prevent unauthorised motor vehicles entering and abusing the grounds.
A response had been received from Nottingham Girls’ High School with regard to their playing field on Grassington Road. They were more than willing to let the field be used by the Residents Association for specific community use for a nominal charge.
No response had been received from Sam Masood (Aspley Housing Office) regarding the Southfield Road Garages but the meeting was informed that someone had been to garages to provide a quote. Unfortunately they had looked at the wrong section. Susan Ward-Rice had arranged for them to attend again with her in attendance to point out the correct location the fence would be required.
3. Robert Shaw Playing Field
Since the last meeting Councillor Long had talked to Graham Feek (Education Department) who had allocated a member of his staff called Richard Beckett to become involved in the Playing Field issue with the remit of trying to move this forward. James Tilford, Parks Development Manager, has also become involved to try and resolve some of the issues.
A meeting has been organised for the 22nd October between these people, Councillor Long and Susan Ward-Rice to discuss the matters that have become a problem, particularly the ongoing maintenance and the joint use arrangements.
Susan had visited another site where the school used the facilities, including sports facilities and play areas, during the daytime and the community in the evening which worked well. The difference with this and our playing fields were that our school and the fields are on separate sites
Susan had also obtained quotes from another groundworks company that were significantly less than that of Streetscene.
Action : Councillor Long, Susan Ward-Rice, LEA
4. Grassington Road Pavement
Concern was raised regarding the state of surface of the pavement at the Aspley Lane end of Grassington road. Details of where the problems lay were passed to Councillor Foster who would approach the relevant section of the Council to see if these were on the list for correction. Councillor Foster informed the meeting that the Council had limited funds to available for these corrections and it may be some time before any action could be taken.
5. Any Other Business
New Bridge Steps.
The condition of these steps was raised. Councillor Foster informed the meeting that Councillor Long had been investing his time for years to try and get a commitment from either the Council or the Rail Authority regarding ownership of the bridge and the steps to improve the situation regarding both the steps and the road surface.
Community Chest
The Local Area Committee has a pot of funds available to people in our area and has invited applications for parts of this money for the use by local groups. A maximum request can be up to £1000 with the closing date of the 1st December. A selection of successful ideas will be chosen after this date. Applications can be for a wide variety of things including trips for local groups, training for a section of the community or any ideas that would improve the local area or community spirit.
Ideas from the entire group would be appreciated by the next meeting so any application could be submitted.
Action : ALL
6. Date of Next Meeting
Monday 17th November 2008 at 6.30 pm Robert Shaw School
Meeting ended at 19.05
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