Held Monday 30th June 2008
6.30pm Robert Shaw Primary School
Anthony Evans (Chairman)
Michael Thomas (Secretary), Christine Thomas (Treasurer), Lynn Shepherd, Sophia Shepherd, Eve Earling, Jo Bride, Roger Codling, Peter Dixon, Deirdre Dixon, Lyn Thompson
In Attendance:
Councillor Gary Long
Councillor Alex Foster
Susan Ward-Rice (NAO, Nottingham City Council)
Nick Wigg (PEP Consultants)
1. Apologies
Karen Coker (Head Teacher, Robert Shaw School)
2. Matters Arising from the Previous Minutes
These were agreed as a true record.
Councillor Long had informed Streetscene of the committees agreement to the planned artwork for the subway linking Robert Shaw School and Beechdale Road.
Susan Ward-Rice informed the meeting had asked the Rights of Way Officer regarding the possible proposal for the restriction of use of the above subway. He informed her that a lot of evidence of criminal activity would be required and Susan had asked local officer PC Chappell to see how many records existed. A survey of the local residents could still be conducted and if there was strong support it should be restricted it may still be possible.
3. Robert Shaw Playing Field
The meeting was informed of the discussions that took place on the 23rd June at a sub-committee meeting regarding the Playing Field. The meeting was informed of several high cost implications with regard to opening and closing the Field and the variety of gates that may be available but the choice must conform to the Disability Discrimination Act. A matter regarding the locking of the gates was that from September the Parks Department were ceasing to lock any park gates in Nottingham City as a whole.
Susan Ward-Rice contacted the insurance section of the Education Department to try and clarify a general cost to be met by the school but was given a list of criteria to be met before insurance could be considered.
At the meeting there were no definite cost for routine maintenance of the field and whilst the Local Area Committee could commit to a clearance they could not commit to long term funding of the routine maintenance. One of the committee had been informed by the local Police Community Support Officer that the Police could on occasion gain access to funds to help with the initial clear-up of the field.
One of the residents living next to the Field entrance asked if there was any chance of the entrance being neatened up as it was an eyesore and becoming a fly-tipping spot.
A suggestion was made to write to the Girls High School to see if community organised events could have the used of their playing field on Grassington Road. Michael Thomas to write to the High School for their response to this.
Action : Michael Thomas
4. Residents Information Sheet
It was agreed to wait until after the Playing Field review.
5. Strategic Regeneration Framework
Nick Wigg PEP (Resident Advisor) attended the meeting to discuss a long term plan for the strategic regeneration of Nottingham. He has been instructed to undertake a test consultation with local residents starting with the North West Area. The residents at the minute answered questions put to them on their opinions of the local area as well as their long term view on the housing stock and employment availability specific to the Ainsley Area.
6. Any Other Business
There was discussion at the end of the meeting regarding the allotments, specifically the Council owned ones, and whether any of these that had fell in to misuse could be combined together to form some sort of small playing field of a sufficient size.
7. Date of Next Meeting
Monday 15th September 2008 at 6.30 pm Robert Shaw School
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