Held Monday 19th May 2008
6.30pm Robert Shaw Primary School
Anthony Evans (Chairman)
Michael Thomas (Secretary), Christine Thomas (Treasurer), Lynn Shepherd, Sophia Shepherd, Johnathan Wheatcroft, Ryan Silverton, Eve Earling, Chris Earling, Jo Bride, Roger Codling, Karen Coker (Head Teacher, Robert Shaw Primary School), Martin Khan, Danny Singh, Mowin Lewis.
In Attendance:
Councillor Gary Long
Susan Ward-Rice (NAO, Nottingham City Council)
Some matters were discussed out of order so Councillor Long could inform the meeting of certain information and take part in certain discussions before he had to leave at 7pm for another commitment. Councillor Long’s attendance for the time that he could was appreciated.
1. Apologies
Councillor Alex Foster
Cheryll Rawling (TRO, Nottingham City Homes)
2. Matters Arising from the Previous Minutes
These were agreed as a true record. Sophia Bride should have been listed as Sophia Shepherd.
3. The Group Constitution
Susan Ward-Rice handed out copies of a Group Constitution. This document is required to have formal rules for the running of the Residents Association.
4. Residents Information Sheet
The document was agreed in principal but it was also agreed to wait until the next meeting regarding the Robert Shaw Playing Field before distribution so the information on this matter had more definite information. Meeting attendees kindly volunteered to help deliver the leaflet to all the households on the estate but it was agreed this would be finalised at the next meeting.
Action : Michael Thomas
5. Robert Shaw Playing Field
Following a meeting held separately regarding further action on the playing field the following information was discussed at the Residents Association meeting. The Education Authority can not hand over the land for community use for another agency to take responsibility as they have a requirement on the amount of land required per child in the associated school. The Education Authority is keen for the land to be used by the community as a football field but liability issues and future maintenance of the site have to be organised. Karen Coker agreed to discuss this matter with Graham Feek (Education Department) to try and resolve these issues by the next meeting to be held separately regarding the outcome. Councillor Long agreed to approach the Area Committee with regard to initial funds for clearance of the site for initial use.
Some of the attendees of the meeting did kindly volunteer to help clear the site but as a risk assessment would need to be carried out and the size of the task involved it was agreed to wait for field sub-meeting to see if it was possible to get the field open by the school summer holidays.
Issues were raised regarding the locking of the gate. Concern was raised regarding unauthorised motor vehicles accessing the field. Councillor Long and Susan Ward-Rice suggested that it was very unlikely that the Parks department would take on locking the gates. Councillor Long informed the meeting that unless specific issues arose the Parks department had found that locking the gates would not dissuade certain elements off the field anyway as they would find alternative ways. Councillor Long put forward a solution of a locking a main gate but have a turnstile-type one-way gate to let off anyone that had stopped on so no confrontation had to take place. Susan Ward-Rice agreed to investigate whether these types of gates were available.
The next sub-meeting to discuss the way forward for the field is to take place on 23rd June 2008 at 4.30pm in the Head Teacher’s office at Robert Shaw Primary School.
It was agreed that once the field was fit for purpose a six-month review would take place to ensure any issues that may have arisen were addressed.
Action: Councillor Long / Karen Coker / Anthony Evans / Michael Thomas / Susan Ward-Rice
6. Vandalism at the School
Karen Coker raised issues regarding the vandalism that was taking place at the school after normal hours. At the moment the school is spending about £600 a week on damage repairs which is not covered by their insurance as well as the obscene graffiti on the school’s outside furniture. There has also been a large amount of cigarette ends which hasn’t been acceptable as the school is a no-smoking site. Whilst these problems can’t be attribute to all of the users of the school grounds the Head Teacher feels that the School can not turn a blind eye to anyone entering the school grounds after closing without authorisation. Whilst some members of the meeting who have used the school grounds for football concede that some of the littering problems have been themselves, for which they offered to correct, there is no decent open ground for them to use. They were asked to respect the Head Teacher’s request and one of the group asked if something along the lines of more formal and authorised football game/training could take place whilst the Residents Association tried their utmost to finalise the solution for the field. Karen asked them to see her separately to see what arrangement they could come to privately.
7. Dorothy Grove / Beechdale Road Subway.
The proposed document for the sole use of the subway was agreed with the proviso from Karen that the current foliage and maintenance of the subway would remain the responsibility of the council. The decision on whether to approach the council on this matter would not be taken until residents of the estate were given the chance to voice their opinion. The chance to express this opinion would be offered on the Residents Information Sheet with a closing date for response. Susan Ward-Rice offered to consult the Public Rights Of Way people to see if any issues arose from closing the subway before further action was taken.
Councillor Long informed the meeting of a discussion that had took place with the Streetscene department about a development of murals within the subway with artwork provided by the school and asked for the opinion of the Residents Association (RA). Councillor Long and other members of the meeting noted that this had reduced graffiti were this had taken place. It was agreed that Councillor Long could take the RA’s approval to this scheme back to Streetscene.
Action : Councillor Long, Susan Ward-Rice
8. Any Other Business
No issues were raised.
9. Date of Next Meeting
Monday 30th June 2008 at 6.30 pm Robert Shaw School
The meeting closed at 7.20pm
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