Friday, October 31, 2008

Ainsley Area Residents Association Meeting 15 September 2008

Held Monday 15th September 2008
6.30pm Robert Shaw Primary School


Anthony Evans (Chairman)

Michael Thomas (Secretary), Chris Earling, Eve Earling, Jo Bride, Roger Codling, Lyn Thompson, Dane Thompson

In Attendance:

Councillor Gary Long
Susan Ward-Rice (NAO, Nottingham City Council)
Karen Coker (Head Teacher, Robert Shaw School)
Hayley Musson (PCSO)
Kelly McCoy (PCSO)

1. Apologies

Councillor Alex Foster, Christine Thomas, Pete Dixon, Lynn Shepherd

2. Matters Arising from the Previous Minutes

These were agreed as a true record.

3. Robert Shaw Playing Field

Discussions took place about the insurance currently in place to cover the playing field and the group were informed that this was thought to be liability insurance and not at a level to cover for full public use. It was stated that the questions raised at the last meeting by the insurance would need to be answered before cover could be considered although that the question was raised once these matters were dealt with just exactly how much of an increase in insurance premium would be expected. It was agreed that Karen needed to contact Graham Feek at the Education Department to try and seek a solution and support for the best and quickest way forward. Should the assistance not be forthcoming for Karen, Councillor Long would follow up with Mr Feek.

Since the opening and closing of the field is not a possibility financial and logistically it was agreed that Councillor Long and Michael Thomas would talk to the residents near the field to discuss there concerns and possible solutions to allay there fears.

Action : Karen Coker, Councillor Long, Michael Thomas

4. Next Open Public Meeting

A requirement of the constitution of the group is that 2 open public meetings are fully advertised each year. It was agreed to leave the advertisement of a mid year meeting either until more definite details of the progress of the field are available or if not decide at the next meeting whether to have a general open meeting for residents to discuss any issues they wish to raise.

5. Southfield Road Garages

The Southfield Road garages have been a focus in recent years of group gathering in the rear of one of the garages which had been broken in to. It has also been used as a ready and easy access point to the school grounds. The rear of the garage has now been repaired but there is still access to the land at the rear and younger children are now using this as access to the school. It was agreed that the Secretary would write to the Council and ask if a fence could be erected similar to one on the opposite side to exclude access to the rear and also if the overgrown shrubbery could be cleared.

Action : Michael Thomas

6. Any Other Business

Susan Ward-Rice presented questionnaires to the group from the Youth Service on a New Youth Centre proposal within Nottingham. The Youth Service are canvassing resident’s opinions throughout the city.

A meeting called “Your Choice, Your Voice” is being held on the 29th September at the Nottingham Bluecoat School, Aspley Lane. The City Council and local Police are represented and residents are welcome to attend to raise issues they are concerned about within their local area.

Anti-social Dogs – Discussion took place in relation to a dog in the area that was causing a problem with noise pollution. The local PCSO’s at the meeting informed the group that a number of people were keeping noise diaries to assist them in resolving this problem. A Dog Warden had also visited the 2 dogs at the property to satisfy themselves that their living conditions were appropriate after concerns expressed by local residents. There is also a problem with dog fouling currently that is of concern and anyone that could provide evidence to the relevant authority of which dogs are causing this offence would be much appreciated.

7. Date of Next Meeting

Monday 20th October 2008 at 6.30 pm Robert Shaw School

Meeting ended at 19.30

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