Friday, October 31, 2008

Ainsley Area Residents Association Meeting 20 October 2008

Held Monday 20th October 2008
6.30pm Robert Shaw Primary School


Anthony Evans (Chairman)

Michael Thomas (Secretary), Christine Thomas (Treasurer), Chris Earling, Eve Earling, Roger Codling, Lyn Thompson, Dane Thompson, Peter Uvegas

In Attendance:

Councillor Alex Foster
Susan Ward-Rice (NAO, Nottingham City Council)

1. Apologies

Councillor Gary Long, Karen Coker (Head Teacher, Robert Shaw School)

2. Matters Arising from the Previous Minutes

These were agreed as a true record.

Councillor Long and Michael Thomas had visited the residents on either side of the park and their main concern was that sufficient precautions were taken to prevent unauthorised motor vehicles entering and abusing the grounds.

A response had been received from Nottingham Girls’ High School with regard to their playing field on Grassington Road. They were more than willing to let the field be used by the Residents Association for specific community use for a nominal charge.

No response had been received from Sam Masood (Aspley Housing Office) regarding the Southfield Road Garages but the meeting was informed that someone had been to garages to provide a quote. Unfortunately they had looked at the wrong section. Susan Ward-Rice had arranged for them to attend again with her in attendance to point out the correct location the fence would be required.

3. Robert Shaw Playing Field

Since the last meeting Councillor Long had talked to Graham Feek (Education Department) who had allocated a member of his staff called Richard Beckett to become involved in the Playing Field issue with the remit of trying to move this forward. James Tilford, Parks Development Manager, has also become involved to try and resolve some of the issues.

A meeting has been organised for the 22nd October between these people, Councillor Long and Susan Ward-Rice to discuss the matters that have become a problem, particularly the ongoing maintenance and the joint use arrangements.

Susan had visited another site where the school used the facilities, including sports facilities and play areas, during the daytime and the community in the evening which worked well. The difference with this and our playing fields were that our school and the fields are on separate sites

Susan had also obtained quotes from another groundworks company that were significantly less than that of Streetscene.

Action : Councillor Long, Susan Ward-Rice, LEA

4. Grassington Road Pavement

Concern was raised regarding the state of surface of the pavement at the Aspley Lane end of Grassington road. Details of where the problems lay were passed to Councillor Foster who would approach the relevant section of the Council to see if these were on the list for correction. Councillor Foster informed the meeting that the Council had limited funds to available for these corrections and it may be some time before any action could be taken.

5. Any Other Business

New Bridge Steps.

The condition of these steps was raised. Councillor Foster informed the meeting that Councillor Long had been investing his time for years to try and get a commitment from either the Council or the Rail Authority regarding ownership of the bridge and the steps to improve the situation regarding both the steps and the road surface.

Community Chest

The Local Area Committee has a pot of funds available to people in our area and has invited applications for parts of this money for the use by local groups. A maximum request can be up to £1000 with the closing date of the 1st December. A selection of successful ideas will be chosen after this date. Applications can be for a wide variety of things including trips for local groups, training for a section of the community or any ideas that would improve the local area or community spirit.

Ideas from the entire group would be appreciated by the next meeting so any application could be submitted.
Action : ALL

6. Date of Next Meeting

Monday 17th November 2008 at 6.30 pm Robert Shaw School

Meeting ended at 19.05

Ainsley Area Residents Association Meeting 15 September 2008

Held Monday 15th September 2008
6.30pm Robert Shaw Primary School


Anthony Evans (Chairman)

Michael Thomas (Secretary), Chris Earling, Eve Earling, Jo Bride, Roger Codling, Lyn Thompson, Dane Thompson

In Attendance:

Councillor Gary Long
Susan Ward-Rice (NAO, Nottingham City Council)
Karen Coker (Head Teacher, Robert Shaw School)
Hayley Musson (PCSO)
Kelly McCoy (PCSO)

1. Apologies

Councillor Alex Foster, Christine Thomas, Pete Dixon, Lynn Shepherd

2. Matters Arising from the Previous Minutes

These were agreed as a true record.

3. Robert Shaw Playing Field

Discussions took place about the insurance currently in place to cover the playing field and the group were informed that this was thought to be liability insurance and not at a level to cover for full public use. It was stated that the questions raised at the last meeting by the insurance would need to be answered before cover could be considered although that the question was raised once these matters were dealt with just exactly how much of an increase in insurance premium would be expected. It was agreed that Karen needed to contact Graham Feek at the Education Department to try and seek a solution and support for the best and quickest way forward. Should the assistance not be forthcoming for Karen, Councillor Long would follow up with Mr Feek.

Since the opening and closing of the field is not a possibility financial and logistically it was agreed that Councillor Long and Michael Thomas would talk to the residents near the field to discuss there concerns and possible solutions to allay there fears.

Action : Karen Coker, Councillor Long, Michael Thomas

4. Next Open Public Meeting

A requirement of the constitution of the group is that 2 open public meetings are fully advertised each year. It was agreed to leave the advertisement of a mid year meeting either until more definite details of the progress of the field are available or if not decide at the next meeting whether to have a general open meeting for residents to discuss any issues they wish to raise.

5. Southfield Road Garages

The Southfield Road garages have been a focus in recent years of group gathering in the rear of one of the garages which had been broken in to. It has also been used as a ready and easy access point to the school grounds. The rear of the garage has now been repaired but there is still access to the land at the rear and younger children are now using this as access to the school. It was agreed that the Secretary would write to the Council and ask if a fence could be erected similar to one on the opposite side to exclude access to the rear and also if the overgrown shrubbery could be cleared.

Action : Michael Thomas

6. Any Other Business

Susan Ward-Rice presented questionnaires to the group from the Youth Service on a New Youth Centre proposal within Nottingham. The Youth Service are canvassing resident’s opinions throughout the city.

A meeting called “Your Choice, Your Voice” is being held on the 29th September at the Nottingham Bluecoat School, Aspley Lane. The City Council and local Police are represented and residents are welcome to attend to raise issues they are concerned about within their local area.

Anti-social Dogs – Discussion took place in relation to a dog in the area that was causing a problem with noise pollution. The local PCSO’s at the meeting informed the group that a number of people were keeping noise diaries to assist them in resolving this problem. A Dog Warden had also visited the 2 dogs at the property to satisfy themselves that their living conditions were appropriate after concerns expressed by local residents. There is also a problem with dog fouling currently that is of concern and anyone that could provide evidence to the relevant authority of which dogs are causing this offence would be much appreciated.

7. Date of Next Meeting

Monday 20th October 2008 at 6.30 pm Robert Shaw School

Meeting ended at 19.30

Ainsley Area Residents Association Meeting 30 June 2008

Held Monday 30th June 2008
6.30pm Robert Shaw Primary School


Anthony Evans (Chairman)

Michael Thomas (Secretary), Christine Thomas (Treasurer), Lynn Shepherd, Sophia Shepherd, Eve Earling, Jo Bride, Roger Codling, Peter Dixon, Deirdre Dixon, Lyn Thompson

In Attendance:

Councillor Gary Long
Councillor Alex Foster
Susan Ward-Rice (NAO, Nottingham City Council)
Nick Wigg (PEP Consultants)

1. Apologies

Karen Coker (Head Teacher, Robert Shaw School)

2. Matters Arising from the Previous Minutes

These were agreed as a true record.

Councillor Long had informed Streetscene of the committees agreement to the planned artwork for the subway linking Robert Shaw School and Beechdale Road.

Susan Ward-Rice informed the meeting had asked the Rights of Way Officer regarding the possible proposal for the restriction of use of the above subway. He informed her that a lot of evidence of criminal activity would be required and Susan had asked local officer PC Chappell to see how many records existed. A survey of the local residents could still be conducted and if there was strong support it should be restricted it may still be possible.

3. Robert Shaw Playing Field

The meeting was informed of the discussions that took place on the 23rd June at a sub-committee meeting regarding the Playing Field. The meeting was informed of several high cost implications with regard to opening and closing the Field and the variety of gates that may be available but the choice must conform to the Disability Discrimination Act. A matter regarding the locking of the gates was that from September the Parks Department were ceasing to lock any park gates in Nottingham City as a whole.

Susan Ward-Rice contacted the insurance section of the Education Department to try and clarify a general cost to be met by the school but was given a list of criteria to be met before insurance could be considered.

At the meeting there were no definite cost for routine maintenance of the field and whilst the Local Area Committee could commit to a clearance they could not commit to long term funding of the routine maintenance. One of the committee had been informed by the local Police Community Support Officer that the Police could on occasion gain access to funds to help with the initial clear-up of the field.

One of the residents living next to the Field entrance asked if there was any chance of the entrance being neatened up as it was an eyesore and becoming a fly-tipping spot.

A suggestion was made to write to the Girls High School to see if community organised events could have the used of their playing field on Grassington Road. Michael Thomas to write to the High School for their response to this.
Action : Michael Thomas

4. Residents Information Sheet

It was agreed to wait until after the Playing Field review.

5. Strategic Regeneration Framework

Nick Wigg PEP (Resident Advisor) attended the meeting to discuss a long term plan for the strategic regeneration of Nottingham. He has been instructed to undertake a test consultation with local residents starting with the North West Area. The residents at the minute answered questions put to them on their opinions of the local area as well as their long term view on the housing stock and employment availability specific to the Ainsley Area.

6. Any Other Business

There was discussion at the end of the meeting regarding the allotments, specifically the Council owned ones, and whether any of these that had fell in to misuse could be combined together to form some sort of small playing field of a sufficient size.

7. Date of Next Meeting

Monday 15th September 2008 at 6.30 pm Robert Shaw School

Ainsley Area Residents Association Meeting 19 May 2008

Held Monday 19th May 2008
6.30pm Robert Shaw Primary School


Anthony Evans (Chairman)

Michael Thomas (Secretary), Christine Thomas (Treasurer), Lynn Shepherd, Sophia Shepherd, Johnathan Wheatcroft, Ryan Silverton, Eve Earling, Chris Earling, Jo Bride, Roger Codling, Karen Coker (Head Teacher, Robert Shaw Primary School), Martin Khan, Danny Singh, Mowin Lewis.

In Attendance:

Councillor Gary Long
Susan Ward-Rice (NAO, Nottingham City Council)

Some matters were discussed out of order so Councillor Long could inform the meeting of certain information and take part in certain discussions before he had to leave at 7pm for another commitment. Councillor Long’s attendance for the time that he could was appreciated.

1. Apologies

Councillor Alex Foster
Cheryll Rawling (TRO, Nottingham City Homes)

2. Matters Arising from the Previous Minutes

These were agreed as a true record. Sophia Bride should have been listed as Sophia Shepherd.

3. The Group Constitution

Susan Ward-Rice handed out copies of a Group Constitution. This document is required to have formal rules for the running of the Residents Association.

4. Residents Information Sheet

The document was agreed in principal but it was also agreed to wait until the next meeting regarding the Robert Shaw Playing Field before distribution so the information on this matter had more definite information. Meeting attendees kindly volunteered to help deliver the leaflet to all the households on the estate but it was agreed this would be finalised at the next meeting.

Action : Michael Thomas
5. Robert Shaw Playing Field

Following a meeting held separately regarding further action on the playing field the following information was discussed at the Residents Association meeting. The Education Authority can not hand over the land for community use for another agency to take responsibility as they have a requirement on the amount of land required per child in the associated school. The Education Authority is keen for the land to be used by the community as a football field but liability issues and future maintenance of the site have to be organised. Karen Coker agreed to discuss this matter with Graham Feek (Education Department) to try and resolve these issues by the next meeting to be held separately regarding the outcome. Councillor Long agreed to approach the Area Committee with regard to initial funds for clearance of the site for initial use.

Some of the attendees of the meeting did kindly volunteer to help clear the site but as a risk assessment would need to be carried out and the size of the task involved it was agreed to wait for field sub-meeting to see if it was possible to get the field open by the school summer holidays.

Issues were raised regarding the locking of the gate. Concern was raised regarding unauthorised motor vehicles accessing the field. Councillor Long and Susan Ward-Rice suggested that it was very unlikely that the Parks department would take on locking the gates. Councillor Long informed the meeting that unless specific issues arose the Parks department had found that locking the gates would not dissuade certain elements off the field anyway as they would find alternative ways. Councillor Long put forward a solution of a locking a main gate but have a turnstile-type one-way gate to let off anyone that had stopped on so no confrontation had to take place. Susan Ward-Rice agreed to investigate whether these types of gates were available.

The next sub-meeting to discuss the way forward for the field is to take place on 23rd June 2008 at 4.30pm in the Head Teacher’s office at Robert Shaw Primary School.

It was agreed that once the field was fit for purpose a six-month review would take place to ensure any issues that may have arisen were addressed.

Action: Councillor Long / Karen Coker / Anthony Evans / Michael Thomas / Susan Ward-Rice

6. Vandalism at the School

Karen Coker raised issues regarding the vandalism that was taking place at the school after normal hours. At the moment the school is spending about £600 a week on damage repairs which is not covered by their insurance as well as the obscene graffiti on the school’s outside furniture. There has also been a large amount of cigarette ends which hasn’t been acceptable as the school is a no-smoking site. Whilst these problems can’t be attribute to all of the users of the school grounds the Head Teacher feels that the School can not turn a blind eye to anyone entering the school grounds after closing without authorisation. Whilst some members of the meeting who have used the school grounds for football concede that some of the littering problems have been themselves, for which they offered to correct, there is no decent open ground for them to use. They were asked to respect the Head Teacher’s request and one of the group asked if something along the lines of more formal and authorised football game/training could take place whilst the Residents Association tried their utmost to finalise the solution for the field. Karen asked them to see her separately to see what arrangement they could come to privately.

7. Dorothy Grove / Beechdale Road Subway.

The proposed document for the sole use of the subway was agreed with the proviso from Karen that the current foliage and maintenance of the subway would remain the responsibility of the council. The decision on whether to approach the council on this matter would not be taken until residents of the estate were given the chance to voice their opinion. The chance to express this opinion would be offered on the Residents Information Sheet with a closing date for response. Susan Ward-Rice offered to consult the Public Rights Of Way people to see if any issues arose from closing the subway before further action was taken.

Councillor Long informed the meeting of a discussion that had took place with the Streetscene department about a development of murals within the subway with artwork provided by the school and asked for the opinion of the Residents Association (RA). Councillor Long and other members of the meeting noted that this had reduced graffiti were this had taken place. It was agreed that Councillor Long could take the RA’s approval to this scheme back to Streetscene.

Action : Councillor Long, Susan Ward-Rice

8. Any Other Business

No issues were raised.

9. Date of Next Meeting

Monday 30th June 2008 at 6.30 pm Robert Shaw School

The meeting closed at 7.20pm

Ainsley Area Residents Association Meeting 21 April 2008

Held Monday 21st April 2008
6.30pm Robert Shaw Primary School


Anthony Evans (Chairman)

Michael Thomas (Secretary), Christine Thomas (Treasurer), Lynn Thompson, Dane Thompson, Lynn Shepherd, Johnathan Wheatcroft, Ryan Silverton, Eve Earling, Jo Bride, Sophia Bride, Peter Uveges.

In Attendance:

Councillor Gary Long, Councillor Alex Foster,
Susan Ward-Rice (NAO, Nottingham Council Council),
Cheryll Rawling (TRO, Nottingham City Homes)

1. Welcome and Introduction

The Chairman welcome everyone to the meeting.

2. Apologies

Karen Coker, Head Teacher, Robert Shaw Primary School.

3. Proposed Group Name Change

Following discussion that initially took place at the AGM (14th April 2008) it was agreed that the name of the Group be changed to the Ainsley Area Residents Association.

4. The Group Constitution

The purpose of this document was discussed with regarding to recognition, funding and grants. A constitution does already exist for the Residents Association under the previous name which Susan Ward-Rice will alter and bring to the next meeting.

Action: Susan Ward-Rice

5. Terms of Reference, Information for Residents.

Discussion took place of the need to inform residents of the area about the group, what it exists for and how it can help the area and the difference between the Residents Association and the Local Action Group. Discussion also took place regarding future meetings and resident involvement. Guidelines are in place with how many public meetings must be held to involve all residents and how many are committee meetings must be held to conduct the business of the Residents Association. It was agreed to create an information leaflet to inform residents of the groups’ aims and how to contact a member of the committee regarding any estate issues they wish to raise.

Action : Anthony Evans, Michael Thomas

6. Initial Key Aims.

Robert Shaw Playing Field, Southfield Road.

It was agreed l that the group would initially aim to get the field back in usable condition for the local people to use with a minimum of a possible football field and pursue plans for a more advanced activity area in the future.

This again brought forward question of ownership of the field and Government guidelines regarding minimum requirements for open space for schools. Fluctuations in the organisation of Schools in the area would create additional concerns. Robert Shaw School were happy for the community to use the playing field but within current guidelines can not just give it away. The group was informed that the Education Authority was now happy in principle for joint use and it was agreed that the school should discuss this issue with them.

Councillors Long agreed to discuss the issue of initial funding make the field useable at a Local Area Meeting but long term maintenance would be a matter for future discussion. Susan Ward-Rice offered to set up a meeting with the Head Teacher, a member of the Parks Department, Anthony Evans and Michael Thomas to discuss the way forward. Following this meeting it was felt a survey of the residents whose properties back on to the field should be taken.

Concerns were also raised about protecting the field from authorised motor vehicle entrance it was agreed that this would need to be addressed should the field re-open properly.

Action: Councillor Long / Susan Ward-Rice / Anthony Evans / Michael Thomas

Subway under Western Boulevard near Robert Shaw School.

A suggestion was put forward for group consideration regarding the subway and the Anti-social behaviour it attracts. Issues were raised at the AGM regarding inappropriate conversions form this area with children in the playground. The subway also has a graffiti and litter problem.

It was agreed by the group that after discussions with the School and consultation with the residents of the estate that the council be approached with the intention of sealing of the walk way access to the subway with fencing from the school along the footpath to Western Boulevard and a gate put across the subway at the Beechdale Baths end to allow the school sole use of the underpass.

Action : Michael Thomas

7. Any Other Business

None raised

8. Date of Next Meeting

Monday 19th May 2008 at 6.30 pm Robert Shaw School

The meeting closed at 7.15pm