Saturday, November 5, 2011

Ainsley Area Residents Assoication - Meeting 2nd Nov 2011


Anthony Kelly (Chairman), Michael Thomas (Secretary), Christine Thomas, Chris Earling, Roger Codling, Pete Dixon

Representatives of the local community (x10)

1. Apologies

Eve Earling, Karen Coker (Head Teacher), Paul Carwford (Groundwork)

2. Matters Arising from the Previous Minutes

Vale Crescent North Road Surface

The condition of this road surface has been brought to Highways attention and is on the list for repair at some point. Because of financial constraints it is not known when a repair is liable to happen.

3. Robert Shaw Playing Field – Woodland Trust Grant

The Woodland Trust application has been successful and they will deliver the saplings around the 14th November. The saplings are being delivered in one box. Michael is to contact Groundwork to find out any plans of where these are to go and whether an area is to be cleared to enable planting to take place.

A significant group of residents attended the meeting to express their views on future plans regarding the field. There was a wish to see some area that could be used for 5-a-side football as they are keen to take this activity further with the possibility of community events in the future.

4. Any Other Business

Southfield Road Garages

There is a plan to remove the garages. Quotes have been received by the Council to move this forward. There are future plans to build house(s) on the site!

5. Date of Next Meeting

Wednesday 11th January 2012 at 6pm