Friday, May 7, 2010

Ainsley Area Residents Association - Meeting 5th May 2010

Ainsley Area Residents Association

Held Wednesday 5th May 2010

6pm Robert Shaw Primary School


Anthony Kelly (Chairman)

Michael Thomas (Secretary), Christine Thomas (Treasurer), Eve Earley, Chris Earley,

Brian Bird, Pete Dixon, Jo Bride, Lynn Shepherd

In Attendance:

Councillor Gary Long

Karen Coker (Head Teacher, Robert Shaw School)

Susan Ward-Rice (NAO, Nottingham City Council)

PCSO Hayley Musson

CPO Kelly McCoy

Jo Phelan (Groundworks)

1. Apologies

Lynn Thompson, Councillor Alex Foster, Roger Codling

2. Matters Arising from the Previous Minutes

These were agreed as a true record.

Western Boulevard Subway.

By the time of the meeting the subway had be cleared of litter and was currently in the process of having the vegetation on the banks cleared. During the icy period the school put grit down to improve safety on the paths to school.

3. Robert Shaw Playing Field Future Development and Funding.

The field had been waterlogged recently but there had been a few weeks with heavy rain. There was an indent of a mini-moto going around the estate and on the field. This situation is to be monitored and information gathered as these vehicles can be removed from the owners. The signs for the field and the school were due to go up next week and a bin has been installed at the field entrance.

Jo Phelan from Groundworks explained certain funding options. There are some that won’t fund given the field is not open continuously and some that require 3rd party funding. The options for development of the field had gone through a number of resident consultations and it was felt that a further one was not required. Initial development was trying to aim was to secure a Multi-use games area (MUGA) for basketball/football use. These are a substantial cost and timescales may be in month’s dependant on funding. Further developments would be done in phases.

The initial plan was to look at design options and potential funders.

Action: Groundworks

4. West Area Committee Best West Awards

The committee have been successful in their application for funds to send residents of the estate on a community cohesion day trip to Skegness.

5. Any Other Business

Beechdale Library

The decision about the library will be finalised at the next Full Council meeting which is due to take place on Monday 8th March

Neighbourhood In Bloom

An application is to be put forward to a maximum of £100 for plants and flowers to take part in the Nottingham In Bloom project. These plants are to be planted on the upper traffic island with the help of some of the children on the estate.

Action : Jo Bride

Bin - Allotments

A resident had enquired about a replacement bin for the cut-through to the allotments. Susan informed the meeting that this was still in the process.

6. Date of Next Meeting.

Wednesday 5th May 2010 at 6pm Robert Shaw School