Monday, October 26, 2009

Ainsley Area Residents Association - Meeting 9th Sept 2009

Held Wednesday 9th September 2009
5.45pm Robert Shaw Primary School


Anthony Kelly (Chairman)

Michael Thomas (Secretary), Christine Thomas (Treasurer), Lynn Shepherd, Chris Earley, Eve Earley, Jo Bride, Roger Codling, Brian Bird, Lyn Thompson.

In Attendance:

Councillor Gary Long
Councillor Alex Foster
Karen Coker (Head Teacher, Robert Shaw School)
Susan Ward-Rice (NAO, Nottingham City Council)

1. Apologies


2. Matters Arising from the Previous Minutes

These were agreed as a true record.

Arbrook Drive
The residents still felt that some cars users were still using Arbrook Drive as a short cut from either Grassington Road or off Western Boulevard especially during peark time and were asking about the feasibility of some speed reduction humps being installed on the road. It was agreed to ask Councillor Long or Councillor Foster to follow this up with the Highways Agency to see if a supplementary survey had been carried out following installation of humps on Grassington Road / Northdown Road and about the possibility of an additional survey during peak times on Arbrook Road.
Action : Councillors Foster and Long

3. Robert Shaw Playing Field Updates

The field is almost complete. There have been problems surrounding the intermittent weather and equipment problems leading to clearing company being delayed on all is commitments. Outstanding currently is the clearing of the entrance, a low cut followed by assessment of the ground and the marking out of the pitch. Should the ground require more remedial work after the low cut this may take slightly longer.

4. Football Match Community Event

A selection of matches was made available for committee members to choose for inclusion on to the new Forest Match Visit Application. The match agreed was against Leicester City on the 5th December 2009. The age range of the applicable children was also increased. A new set of application forms will need to be delivered at the beginning of October with the closing date being the last day of October. Successful applicants will then be randomly chosen at the next meeting.

5. Community Involvement Ideas

A list was drawn up to put to residents at some point to see if there is any interest from anyone to take part in community events and groups. This list contained a brief set of ideas and committee members were asked to think if there were any other suggestions to put to residents.

After the list has been compiled it was agreed to put this to residents and take forward any suggestion that shows sufficient interest.

Action : All committee members

6. Provisional Dates for Future Meetings

The following dates were agreed as provisional dates for future committee meetings.

Wednesday 4th November 2009

Wednesday 6th January 2010

Wednesday 3rd March 2010

Wednesday 5th May 2010 - Annual General Meeting

7. Any Other Business

Beechdale Library
It has been discovered that St Johns Ambulance Service are no longer interested in Beechdale Library although the issue of closure has not disappeared. There seems to be an issue with a reduction in the numbers of people using the library and now the possibility of a reallocation of services has crossed the Leisure Services minds the library problem is a matter of use it or loose it.

Grab a Grand / Community Chest

Both these grant application schemes are here with us again. The Grab-A-Grand is an application suggestion that is then open to public vote. Once the application has been made the more people that vote in the community the better the chance of there is of winning.

The Community Chest will be an application to the West Area Committee for an event, local improvement or activity that is for the benefit of the local community. If anyone one can think of ideas please bring them to the next meeting.
Action : All committee members

David Lloyd Leisure Centre Trees/Foliage/Litter

The condition of David Lloyds Leisure Centre’s property bordering Grassington Road was raised. The foliage is getting overgrown, litter is contained within this foliage and some of the trees have grown quite a distance in to Grassington Road. Given that this is a private property the Council can only really act if there is a hazard to the public. The only course of action is to write to the management of the leisure centre and see if they would address these issues.

Action : Michael Thomas
8. Date of Next Meeting.

Wednesday 4th November 2009 at 6pm Robert Shaw School

Sunday, October 4, 2009

"Letter Before Action" from Local Police

Having talked to a resident it seems that some letters have been posted through some doors on the estate asking people to ensure they have a clear garden to bring the environment on the estate up to scratch.

Whether you agree with this approach or not it does seem to have pulled a few people to get some clearance done. A pile of rubbish, sofa or building rubbish never looks attractive and can bring an estates appearance down.

I would have prefered a dialogue first with the resident then maybe a letter as a dialogue has more nuances to community cooperation when a letter can come across brutal if not worded properly.

I'm sure we all agree that a good appearance is attractive for everyone.