Saturday, October 9, 2010

AGM 8th September 2010 Minutes

Wednesday 8th September 2010
Robert Shaw Primary School


Anthony Kelly (Chairman), Michael Thomas (Secretary), Christine Thomas (Treasurer), Chris Earley, Eve Earling, Brian Bird, Roger Codling, Graeme Lamb, Renate Atkinson, Joyce Rose, Cecelin Brown, Pat Galvin, Lynda Collishaw, Pete Brown, Hassan Chakisi, Stephen Smith

In Attendance:

Councillor Gary Long
Councillor Alex Foster
Susan Ward-Rice (NAO, Nottingham City Council)
Karen Coker (Head Teacher, Robert Shaw School)
CPO Wayne Smith
Glyn Jenkins

1. Apologies


2. Matters Arising from the Previous Minutes

These were agreed as a true record.

Skegness Trip
The trip is booked with Tiger Coaches for £375. All the seats have been allocated.

3. Big Summer Clean

An event publicised by Nottingham City Council to clean up certain aspects of Nottingham. Several of the road signs on the estate were reported for cleaning and repair but none of these were done by the deadline of the Big Summer Clean. Susan was going to chase up to get these completed.
Action : Susan Ward-Rice

4. Fundraising

A method of fundraising was circulated to try and raise funds for group to be able to take any projects forwards on the estate. The suggested scheme was based on the National Lottery Bonus Ball with a household purchasing one of the 49 numbers for a £1 with a winner each week with 50% to the prize fund and 50% to the Residents Association.

By law we would be required to register under the “Small Society Lottery” registration. This has an initial registration cost of £40 with annual renewal of £20.

5. Robert Shaw Playing Field Update

There are 3 plans that are being circulated around that are up for adaptation during consultation. Groundworks should be also posting these plans near the field. It was suggested that an event could be held on the field to publicise the plans.

6. Treasurers Report.

Received with thanks. Current balance of the Residents Association is £29 in credit.

7. Nomination and Voting Committee Positions

Thank you to Councillor Long for accepting nominations.

Chair – Anthony Kelly Nomination- Michael, 2nd – Karen Coker.
Secretary - Michael Thomas Nomination – Anthony 2nd Karen Coker
Treasurer - Christine Thomas Nomination – Roger Codling 2nd Karen Coker

Committee Members – Roger Codling, Karen Coker, Chris and Eve Earling, Renata Atkinson.

8 . Any Other Business

None raised.

9. Date of Next Meeting

3rd November 2010 at 6pm Robert Shaw Primary School.

Provisional Dates for Future Meetings

12th January 2011

4th May 2011

6th July 2011

7th September 2011 (AGM)