Saturday, September 19, 2009

Community Involvement Ideas

One future direction we hope to take is trying to get groups of residents together to become involved in community groups they are interested in and would hopefully benefit the area as a whole.

A few of the ideas we came up with were as follows;

Community Garden (Allotments)

- If enough residents were interested, make a request to the Council for use of an unused allotment for a community garden.

Friends of the School

- Any residents interested in getting together every month or 2 and volunteering to help the school with general gardening/tidying for a 2 to 3 hours.

Litter Patrol

- Once a month a patrol working together to litter pick in a more detailed way than the Council could ever hope to manage.

Road Island Gardeners

- Any residents interested in maintaining the appearance of the road island near number 4 Ainsley Road. The other island has planning permission for Severn Trent to improve the pumping facilities and landscape.

Street Champion

- Any resident interested in being the voice of their street in regard to resident’s thoughts. Preferable one per street with 2 covering both ends of Grassington Road. Even if not able to attend meetings would be a contact point for the committee to become aware of any issues.

We plan on leafleting the estate to get a feeling of the level of interest in any of these ideas and go forward from there.

Anyone else with any ideas or passions are welcome to come forward with those.

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