Saturday, January 30, 2010

Ainsley Area Residents Association - Meeting 6th January 2010


Anthony Kelly (Chairman)

Michael Thomas (Secretary), Christine Thomas (Treasurer), Eve Earley, Chris Earley,

Brian Bird, Roger Codling

In Attendance:

Councillor Gary Long

Karen Coker (Head Teacher, Robert Shaw School)

Susan Ward-Rice (NAO, Nottingham City Council)

1. Apologies

Lynn Thompson, Councillor Alex Foster

2. Matters Arising from the Previous Minutes

These were agreed as a true record.

Robert Shaw Playing Field

Is open and we have been informed is being used. We are currently waiting for a bin installation, which has been ordered and some signage. There has been a small issue of fly tipping which needs to be kept and eye on. There was also an email circulated about travellers being move on from a site somewhere else in the city so for residents to be vigilant.

3. Robert Shaw Playing Field Future Development and Funding.

Future development for the field would hopefully include the installation of some equipment. There are various sources of funding to which Residents Associations can make applications. Some require bid matching, some don’t. Susan agreed to collect some information regarding the variety of sources available.

There was also a group called Groundworks that can help with voluntary work to help develop the field. Susan was to ask them if they could attend the next meeting to explain what they can do for us.

Action: Susan Ward-Rice

4. Goal / Development Ideas for 2010

Committee members are ask to think of any developments or issues they would like to see taken forward during the next year.

Robert Shaw 60th Birthday

Karen informed the meeting that the school would be reaching its 60th birthday celebration and had plans to hold various events including a street party if possible. Karen asked if investigations could be made in to the availability of the street party option.

Action : Councillor Long

5. Any Other Business

Western Boulevard Underpass

There seems to have been a collection of litter in the underpass. Councillor Long would raise this with the Streetscene department.

Action : Councillor Long

Dorothy Grove Cut-through

The extremely icy condition of the cut-through was raised. The meeting was informed that given the limited resources available and the need to grit before the ice appears this issue was unlikely to be solved.

Allotments – Composting Toilet

Councillor Foster asked that the meeting be informed about Oakfield Special School having an allotment at the rear of Northdown Road / Grassington Road. The School wanted to install a composting toilet so facilities were available for the children to use. Although the exact location of the allotment was not known, no objection was raised from the committee members.

Aspley Lane / Western Boulevard

There is currently an unused allotment of the corner of these roads where small trees and privet have overgrown intruding in to the pathway and cycle path. This problem is complex because of the private nature of the allotment and locating the owner to pay for any work the council would carry out. A couple of committee members expressed an interest in doing some remedial work if they had time to try and remedy some of the problem.

6. Date of Next Meeting.

Wednesday 3rd March 2010 at 6pm Robert Shaw School

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