Thursday, March 17, 2011

Ainsley Area Residents Association Meeting - 12th January 2011


Anthony Kelly (Chairman), Michael Thomas (Secretary), Chris Earley, Eve Earling, Brian Bird, Renata Atkinson

In Attendance:

Councillor Gary Long

Karen Coker (Head Teacher, Robert Shaw School)

Paul Crawford (Groundworks)

1. Apologies

Roger Codling, Alex Foster

2. Matters Arising from the Previous Minutes

Road Signs

Road signs that were dirty or in need of attention were reported to the Council as part of the 'Big Summer Clean' program. Unfortunately this work does not seem to have been carried out.

3. Fundraising

A leaflet was prepared for delivery to residents on the estate for them to express an interest in becoming involved in fund raising for the group. Michael is to prepare the leaflets and print them for members to deliver.

Action : Michael

4. Robert Shaw Playing Field Update

The cost of the project has been determined from the designs based on design A and a brief funding strategy was presented. Funding is being sort from a variety of different areas. Groundworks are currently talking to Parks about funding. Section 106 development money was being sort to fund part of the project. Gary was going to investigate access to some Section 106 funding available to the West Area Committee.

The first stage of the Biffa application is through and being passed on to the second stage. Third party funding is still required with this possibly coming area committee or parks. There is the possibility of the money the school already invests in the sight being taken in to consideration as it from their own budget.

There is also the possibility of funding from the Woodland Trust to provide specific plants/trees for the area. The choice of trees was delegated to Groundworks on what they thought was appropriate for the scheme.

The committee is grateful for everyone's efforts at trying to secure funding at this trying time and grateful for the progress made so quickly given the trials of hurdles faced by the school and Councillors in getting the field open for use in the first place.

Action : Gary Long/Paul Crawford/Michael

5. Any Other Business

An issues with the white lines at the crossing on Western Boulvard lights being too close to the crossing itself was raised. This issue was referred to the Local Action Group (LAG) meeting.

6. Date of Next Meeting

Wednesday 9th March 2011 at 6pm Robert Shaw Primary School. (LAG afterwards)

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