Monday, August 10, 2009

Ainsley Area Residents Association Minutes 8th July 2009

Ainsley Area Residents Association

Held Wednesday 8th July 2009

5.45pm Robert Shaw Primary School


Anthony Kelly (Chairman)

Michael Thomas (Secretary), Christine Thomas (Treasurer), Lynn Shepherd, Chris Earley, Eve Earley, Jo Bride, Roger Codling.

In Attendance:

Councillor Alex Foster

Karen Coker (Head Teacher, Robert Shaw School)

Susan Ward-Rice (NAO, Nottingham City Council)

1. Apologies

Pete Dixon

Councillor Gary Long

2. Matters Arising from the Previous Minutes

These were agreed as a true record.

Arbrook Drive

It was reported that the residents of Arbrook Drive felt that traffic still persisted on the road. It was felt that we were unsure whether there was an increase in traffic due to the now finished Grassington Road works or whether the traffic was using increased speed to travel this down the road. It was agreed to review again at the next meeting to see if the problems persisted. It was agreed that there may be only a perception of increased speed and volume at certain times and without a traffic survey these questions may not be answered.

3. Gullies on the Estate

All the gullies on the estate have been surveyed and any blocked have been reported to the Highways Department for rectification. The response from Highways stated that this work would be carried out within 10 days. Most of the blockages were on Grassington Road.

4. Football Match Visit

As of this meeting no applications for the free football tickets had been received. It was agreed to make another delivery with an increased age range and a specific match for attendance. This would be done after the next meeting.

5. Robert Shaw Playing Field Update

After a very positive meeting held on Monday 6th July between the School and members of the Parks department there was general agreement with the Parks official having to take all the agreed items back to his superior for a final signature.

The general plan is for the field to be locked during school hours during school terms as this is when the schools insurance covers the use of the field. The gates would then be opened out of normal school hours for general community use and would be covered by Parks insurance. A quick general check would be done by the school during term time for any problems that may be seen. A volunteer or the Parks department may have to check for any problems out of term time and inform the school of problems that would need addressing.

It was agreed that information would be circulated to all residents when the field is available for use with a part telling of the substantial work involved in achieving this. It was also agreed to emphasise the fact that this cooperative agreement would be reviewed should major anti-social use become an issue for the school or residents. The major fear of unauthorised motor vehicle use has been addressed with the restrictive barriers and the limited ground being cleared although this would not stop medium or mini bikes. This situation would not be tolerated and active involvement of the local police team would be sort to address any offending individuals.

6. Any Other Business

Beechdale Library

An article regarding Beechdale Library was to appear in Private Eye magazine (issue 10th July 2009 No. 1240). The petition was to be handed in to the Full Council Meeting on Monday 13th July 2009 with about 1900 signatures.

7. Date of Next Meeting.

9th September 2009 at 5.45pm Robert Shaw School

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