Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Ainsley Area Residents Association - Meeting 7th November 2012


Anthony Kelly (Chairman), Michael Thomas (Secretary), Christine Thomas, Eve Earling, Brian Bird, Chris Earling, Robert Clifton, Wendy Clifton, Pete Dixon plus 1 resident.

In Attendance:
Karen Coker (Head Teacher, Robert Shaw School
Councillor Mohammed Saghir
Councillor Glyn Jenkins
Deborah Wilson (Neighbour Action Officer, Nottingham City Council),

1.         Apologies

Roger Codling

2.         Matters Arising from the Previous Minutes

A letter has been written to both the Girls High School and David Lloyd to ask to see if they could trim the trees back that overhang Grassington Road.

The increase in dog fouling has been reported to the Community Police they will be patrolling occasionally to try and catch the offenders.  Any one witnessing dog fouling happen and are willing to make a written statement is encouraged to do so as this is another way of the owners being fined.

The tree in the school grounds that has had a growth spurt is due for a trim/.

3.         Robert Shaw Playing Field – Update

Pictures were shown with the field work in a finished state.  Small trees presented by the Woodland Trust are still awaiting planting.  A small technically regarding the insurance details needs to be ironed out before the field can be opened formally.  An official open day was suggested to take place at the beginning of next year when the weather is hopefully better.

4.         Crime Statistics Report

A report showing the level and types of crime for Ainsley Estate (inc the subway) was presented.  Data was obtained through the Police website for August and September.  September’s statistics were better than August and it believed that October’s are even better.

5.         Any Other Business

There are currently grants available to apply for the promotion of community health. If anyone has any ideas please get in touch as soon as possible. Applications have to be in by the 10th December and for a value from £250 to £1500

6.         Date of Next Meeting

Wednesday 15th January 2012 at 6pm   (TO BE CONFIRMED)

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