Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Ainsley Area Residents Association - Meeting 16th July 2013


Anthony Kelly (Chairman), Michael Thomas (Secretary), Christine Thomas, Eve Earling, Brian Bird, Chris Earling, Robert Clifton, Wendy Clifton

In Attendance:
Karen Coker (Head Teacher, Robert Shaw School)
Councillor Glyn Jenkins
Deborah Wilson (Neighbour Action Officer, Nottingham City Council)

1.         Apologies


2.         Matters Arising from the Previous Minutes


3.         Robert Shaw Playing Field  Launch Day

The Launch Day is Friday 19th July with a carnival on at the school and events on at the field. A leaflet was distributed around the whole of the estate inviting everyone along.

There was an issue a couple of months previously with someone smashing some bottles near the slide and vicious putting the broken glass in such a position that children would have cut themselves coming off the end of the slide.  Fortunately the school groundskeeper found the glass before any harm came to anyone.

4.         Crime Statistics Report

Michael delivered a report on the various types of offences and the numbers involved. There have been a significant increase in the number of burglaries in May. A leaflet was distributed around the estate to inform residents so they can look at their security measures.  The underpass underneath Western Boulevard seems to be a focus for some of the crimes in the statistics.

Anyone wishing to keep informed should sign up to the NottinghamshireAlerts website.

5.         Any Other Business

We are very sorry to hear that Roger has passed away.  Roger attended the Resident Association meetings almost from the outset.  A keen cyclist, Roger travelled around many countries with his bike. Roger was also a long time resident of Ainsley Estate and we are glad to have known him.  During the Summer Spring Clean event a couple of years ago Roger helped clear part of the sections of the undergrowth at the school which looked a lot better after he had finished.

7.         Date of Next Meeting

Wednesday 13th November at 5.45pm

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